Chapter "Gyan Bodh" Summary
The 18th chapter of Kabir Sagar, titled "Gyan Bodh," begins on page 16 (862).
Satguru Kabir Parmeshwar Ji, through "Gyan Bodh," uses Dharmdas Ji as a medium to explain to humanity the trap of Kaal (Time/God Kaal) and reveals the way to escape from it. Many misguided seekers worship Kaal Brahm and his three sons, Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva, mistakenly believing it will free them from Kaal's trap.
However, until one finds a true Satguru, neither the "Saar Shabd" nor "Santanam" can be attained. Without these, liberation from Kaal's snare is impossible. Those who have not found a true Satguru cannot legitimately claim that they will achieve salvation.
Summary of Gyan Bodh, Page 16 (862)
The Adi Anam Brahm (Primordial Supreme God) is distinct from all other gods; the Complete Supreme God is separate and unique. His name for chanting is not mentioned in the scriptures, which is why He is referred to as "Anam" (Nameless). Without a true Satguru, the method of worship for Him cannot be found.
As a result, all beings are drowning in the ocean of worldly existence, unable to attain liberation. Therefore, it is essential to explain to the people of the world that the Satguru, acting as the helmsman, will help them cross the worldly ocean by boarding them onto the boat of Santanam.
Worship the Adi Brahm, also known as the Supreme Akshar Brahm, who is entirely distinct from all others. By following this path, when you leave this body, you will go directly to Satlok, the eternal abode.
Summary of Page 17:
Kabir Parmeshwar Ji said: "O Dharmdas! I revealed the knowledge of Adi Naam (the Primordial Name mantra) and gave information about the Supreme Adi Brahm. However, ignorant souls devoid of true knowledge do not accept it. Instead, they say that this weaver (Julaha) is foolish and ignorant. They accuse me of disrespecting Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva by saying, 'Those who worship the three gods will never attain liberation.' They also claim that this weaver occasionally impersonates a living saint and practices hypocrisy.
They ask, 'What does he know about the greatness of Shri Ramchandra Ji, who erased the mark of King Ravana of Lanka? Ravana kidnapped Ram’s wife Sita, and Ram destroyed Ravana as a result. What more can we say about the glory of Bhagwan Vishnu, also known as Ramchandra Ji?'
Kabir Parmeshwar Ji further said: 'O Dharmdas! These innocent beings, overwhelmed by ignorance, speak such language against me. “Adi Naam Main Bhakh Sunai, Yah Jag Jeev Na Cheta Bhai” (I revealed the knowledge of Adi Naam, but the beings of this world did not awaken).'"
Explanation: Kabir Ji stated that he revealed the Adi Naam or the eternal, primordial mantra (Saar Shabd), but the beings of Kaal's realm (material world) did not awaken. They have forgotten the Adi Naam and are trapped in the illusion of Kaal Brahm’s material web. The true Sahib, the eternal Supreme Lord, has not been found by anyone. Instead, people are engrossed in the worship of Ram and Krishna. Only those who receive the true mantra of devotion (Satnam and Saar Shabd) will reach the eternal, immortal abode (Amar Lok).
Summary of Gyan Bodh (Page 18):
Kabir Parmeshwar Ji said: "O Dharmdas! I revealed the knowledge of Adi Naam, but foolish beings could not grasp its essence. The people of the world, misled by the agents (saints) sent by Kaal Brahm, claim that this weaver (Julaha/Dhanak) Kabir is ignorant and lacks the knowledge of the Supreme God. They say, 'He belongs to a low caste and has no understanding of the eternal knowledge.'
The confused Brahmins sent by Kaal Brahm claim that they have thoroughly understood the Vedas, Shastras, and the Gita. According to these scriptures, they assert, 'There is no Supreme God apart from Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.'"
Ved-Puraan humne jaana. Brahma Vishnu Maheshwar maana.
Saar bed mein dekha bhai. Rajgun, Satgun, Tamgun saai.
Geeta, Bhagwat pustak naana. Kahen nis din jaap karo inhi bhagwaana.
Aadi Bhawani teenon deva. Inki sab mil saadhein seva.
Aisa gyaan hamara hoi. Julaha ka kaha na maano koi.
Summary of Gyan Bodh, Page 19:
Kabir Parmeshwar Ji said, “O Dharmdas! The messengers of Kaal Brahm have propagated the above-mentioned knowledge. The worldly beings, deluded by Kaal, follow this inverted practice. They are unfamiliar with the true Name and the real Supreme God. They have developed affection for Kaal Brahm, who devours everyone. As stated in the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 15, Verses 1-4, the Gita narrator explained to Arjuna:
‘O Arjuna! Consider this world as a Peepal tree. The root (origin or base) of this world-like tree lies in the higher realms, and its branches, representing the three qualities (Rajogun Brahma, Satogun Vishnu, Tamogun Shiv), extend downward. I cannot provide further details, as I do not know its beginning or end.’
In Gita Chapter 4, Verses 32 and 34, the Gita narrator explicitly states that comprehensive spiritual knowledge is provided in detail through the speech of Sat-Chit-Anand Brahm (the Eternal Supreme Brahm) and can free one from all sins. This is the Tattvagyan (true knowledge).
In Gita Chapter 4, Verse 34, the Gita narrator advises Arjuna to seek this knowledge from a Tattvadarshi Saint (enlightened one). By humbly prostrating and inquiring with sincerity, they will impart the knowledge of the Supreme Truth.
In Gita Chapter 15, Verse 4, it is stated: ‘O Arjuna! After attaining Tattvagyan, one should seek the Supreme Abode of that Supreme God, where, upon reaching, a seeker never returns to the cycle of birth and death. Worship the Creator of this world-like tree.’
In Gita Chapter 15, Verse 16, two Purushas are mentioned:
- Kshar Purush: This is the Gita narrator, Kaal Brahm.
- Akshar Purush: Both are perishable, and all beings within their realms are also perishable. The soul, however, is immortal, whether in a dog, a donkey, or any other being.
In Gita Chapter 15, Verse 17, the Supreme God (Purushottam), distinct from the Kshar Purush and Akshar Purush mentioned in Verse 16, is revealed. He is the ultimate being referred to as the Supreme God, who supports and nourishes all within the three realms:
- The realm of Kshar Purush (21 universes of Kaal Lok).
- The realm of Akshar Purush (7 Sankh universes).
- The eternal realms above (Satlok, Alakh Lok, Agam Lok, and Akah Lok, collectively referred to as the immortal regions).
This Supreme God is the root (origin) of the world-like tree. He is the imperishable and eternal Supreme God. Kabir Parmeshwar Ji also declares:
Kabir Parmeshwar Ji’s Proclamation: "Only by worshiping the Eternal Supreme God, who is the root cause and sustainer of all realms, can one achieve liberation. This Tattvagyan (true knowledge) is accessible through the guidance of a Tattvadarshi Saint, and only with this realization can a soul escape the traps of Kaal Brahm and attain the Supreme Abode."
This message emphasizes the necessity of recognizing the Supreme Creator, distinct from the Kshar Purush (Kaal Brahm) and Akshar Purush, and seeking His refuge through true spiritual knowledge and devotion.
Akshar purush ek ped hai, kshar purush vaaki daar. Teenon deva shaakha hain, paat roop sansaar.
Meaning: The part of the tree visible above the ground is referred to as the tree, while the part inside the earth is called the root (mool). The tree derives its nourishment from the root, which sustains the trunk, thick branches, smaller branches, and leaves. This makes it clear that the root-like Supreme God, known as Param Akshar Brahm, is the sustainer and creator of the entire world.
In Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 18, Verse 62, the Gita narrator says:
"O Arjuna! With all your being, take refuge in that Supreme God. By His grace, you will attain ultimate peace and the eternal Supreme Abode."
In Gyan Bodh, Kabir Parmeshwar Ji explains to Dharmdas Ji that the people, misled by Kaal Brahm's scripture-opposing knowledge (based on worldly scriptures), have become confused. Instead of worshiping the root of the world-like tree, they are worshiping its branches and twigs.
The summary of Gyan Bodh, Page 19 continues, stating:
Kabir mool Ram na kaahu paaye. Shaakha daar mein jagat bhramaaye.
Daar shaakha mein dhyaan jo dharhein. Nishchay jaay narak mein parhein.
Bed padhe aur bhed na jaane. Daar shaakha ko purush (prabhu) bakhaane.
Padhein puraan aur bed bakhaane. Satpurush ka bhed na jaane.
Bed puraan yah kare pukaara. Sabhi se ek purush (prabhu) niyaara.
Taahi na yah jag jaane bhaai. Teen dev mein dhyaan lagaai.
Teen dev ki kari hain bhakti. Unki kabahu na hove mukti.
Teen dev ka ajab khyaala. Devi dev prapanchi kaala.
Inmein mat bhatko agyaani. Kaal jhapat pakdega praani.
Teen dev purush gamya na paai. Jag ke jeev sab phirein bhulaai.
Jo koi satpurush bhajai bhaai. Taako dekh darai jam raai.
Meaning: Kabir Parmeshwar Ji has explained: "O Dharmdas! The knowledge of the root Ram, that is, the Supreme Purush (Purushottam), also known as Param Akshar Brahm, has been unknown to the world. The world is lost in the worship of branches, such as Kshar Purush (Kaal Brahm), and twigs like Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh. Those who place their faith in them are certain to fall into hell.
Scholars and priests read the Vedas and Puranas and deliver lectures on them, yet they lack true understanding of these scriptures. This ignorance leads them to engage in futile disputes with me. They claim that Shri Vishnu, Shri Shiva, and Shri Brahma are the Supreme God. However, the Gita, which summarizes the Vedas, clearly states that the Supreme God is distinct from all others. Worship Him alone. The world does not recognize Him.
I assert that those who worship the three deities—Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh—can never attain liberation. Do not place your faith in deities, goddesses, or Kaal Brahm, as Kaal will suddenly seize you. Even the three gods—Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva—have not attained knowledge of Param Akshar Purush. How, then, can ordinary devotees of these gods ever realize the Supreme God? Liberation is impossible for them.
Those who worship the Satpurush (the Eternal God, Param Akshar Brahm) inspire even Kaal Purush (Kaal Brahm) to fear them.
Summary of Gyan Bodh, Page 20:
Kabir Parmeshwar Ji has further explained that scholars who consider themselves knowledgeable and devoted to God are engaging in idol worship. They waste their precious human life by worshiping stones and water. The three deities—Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva—are manifest (sagun), while Kaal Niranjan (Kaal Brahm) is unmanifest (nirgun). Beyond these is the Supreme God, who is complete and eternal."
Bed padhein par bhed na jaanen, baanchhein puraan athaara. Patthar ki pooja karen, bhool gaye sirjanhaara.
Brahman bhoole baavre sargun mat ke jor. Laakh chaurasi bhogehin paar Brahm ke chor.
Teenon gun sargun hoi. Brahma Vishnu Shiv hai soi.
Chautha nirgun niranjan raai. Nij utpatti bana ke khaai.
Taake pare ik Ram niyaara. So nirgun sargun ke paara.
Summary of Gyan Bodh, Page 21:
God Kabir reveals His identity Himself. He explains that the Supreme Brahm, who is distinct from all and is Param Akshar Brahm, is unknown to this world. The entire world places its faith in Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. It does not experience the bliss of chanting the true name, Kabir.
Brahma Vishnu Shiv hi jag jhaankai. Sat Kabir naam ras na chaakai.
Naam amal ras chaakhai koi. Taaka jara maran na hoi.
Satguru bhakti karai jo koi. Jaati varna durmati sab khoi.
Aadi naam ka jaap karaavai. Bhav saagar bahur nahin aavai.
Aadi naam ki gahe jo aasha. Satguru kaate kaal ki faansa.
Aadinam hai gupt amola. Dharmdas main tum se khola.
Dharmdas yah jag bauraana. Koi na jaane pad nirvaana.
Yahi kaaran main katha pasaara. Jag se kahiye ek Ram niyaara.
Yahi gyaan jag jeev sunaao. Sab jeevon ka bhram nashao.
"Srishti rachna ki vaani" (Gyaan Bodh p. 21-22 se)
Bhram gaye jab bed puraana. Aadi Ram ka bhed na jaana.
Ram-Ram sab jagat bakhaane. Aadi Ram koi birla jaane.
Raja Ram ko yah jag jaane. Sabko taaka bhed bakhaane.
Ab main tumse kahoon chitai. Traaydevan ki utpatti bhaai.
Kuchh sankship kahoon goharaai. Sab sanshay tumhare mit jaai.
Gyaani sune so hriday lagaai. Moorakh sune to gamya nahin paai.
Maa Ashtangi pita Niranjan. Ve jam daarun vanshan anjan.
Pehle keen Niranjan raai. Peeche se maaya upjaai.
Maaya roop dekh ati shobha. Dev Niranjan tan man lobha.
Kaamdev Dharmraay sataaye. Devi ko turant dhar khaaye.
Pet se Devi kari pukaari. He saahab mohe levo ubaari.
Ter suni Satguru tahaan aaye. Ashtangi ko band chhudvaaye.
Dharmraay ne hikmat keenha. Nakh rekha se bhag kar leena.
Dharmraay keenhe bhog vilaasa. Maaya ko rahi tab aasha.
Teen putra Ashtangi jaaye. Brahma Vishnu Shiv naam dharaaye.
Teen dev sansaar chalaaye. Inmein yah jag dhokha khaaye.
Satpurush ka bhed kaise koi paaye. Kaal Niranjan jag bhramaaye.
Teen lok apne sut deenha. Sunn Niranjan baasa leenha.
Alakh Niranjan sunn thikaana. Brahma Vishnu Shiv bhed na jaana.
Teen dev so usko dhyaavain. Niranjan ka ve paar na paavain.
Alakh Niranjan bada batpaara. Teen lok jeev karat ahaara.
Brahma Vishnu Shiv nahin bachaaye. Sakal khaay pun dhool udaaye.
Tinke sut hain teenon deva. Aandhar jeev karat hain seva.
Akaal Purush kaahu nahin cheenha. Kaal paay sabhi gah leenha.
Aisa Ram sakal jag jaane. Aadi Brahm (Tat Brahm) ko na pehchaane.
Teenon dev aur avtaara. Taako bhajai sakal sansaara.
Gun teenon ki bhakti mein, bhool paro sansaar.
Kahain Kabir nij Ram bina, kaise utaro paar.
Meaning: In the above verses, Parmeshwar Kabir Ji has provided partial knowledge about the creation of the universe. The complete knowledge can be found in this book from pages 603 to 670. It explains how Goddess Durga and Jyoti Niranjan (Kaal) engaged in sensual pleasures and gave birth to three sons: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Kaal devours one lakh human-bodied beings daily and even consumes his own three sons. Sant Garibdas Ji, like Dharmdas Ji, also met Parmeshwar Kabir Ji. He was taken to Satlok (the Eternal Abode) and then returned. After this experience, Sant Garibdas Ji shared the divine knowledge he received from Parmeshwar.
Maaya aadi Niranjan bhaai. Apne jaaye aapai khaai.
Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwar maaya aur Dharmraaya kahiye.
In paanchon mil prapanch banaaya, vaani hamri lahiye.
Summary of Gyan Bodh, Page 23:
Kabir, aisa Ram Kabir ne jaana. Dharmdas suniye de kaana.
Jag jeevon ko deeksha dehi. Satnaam bin purush drohi.
Gyaanheen jo guru kahaavai. Apan bhoola jeevan bhulaavai.
Aisa gyaan chalaaya bhaai. Sat Saahab ki sudh bisraai.
Ya duniya dorangi bhaai. Jeev gah sharan kaal ki jaai.
Meaning: Kabir Parmeshwar Ji said, "O Dharmdas, listen carefully. I have understood the Supreme God who is distinct from all others. Those who do not take initiation of Satnam (the True Name) or the guru who does not know Satnam, or who, being unqualified, gives initiation of Satnam, is a traitor to God. This world is deceitful. People listen to my knowledge, take initiation of the True Name, and then return to worship associated with Kaal. Such misguided knowledge has spread in the world. The name of Sat Sahib, the True God (Param Akshar Brahm), has been completely forgotten."
Pages 24 to 26 of Gyan Bodh contain general knowledge.
There is a verse on Gyan Bodh page 25
Saar shabd braahman nahin jaane. Aadi naam shudra hi bakhaane.
Meaning: The high-caste Brahmins do not know the Saar Shabd (essential word). As a result, they are wasting their priceless lives. That Saar Shabd, or Adinaam (the primordial name), is revealed and described by Kabir, the so-called low-caste weaver (Julaha).
Summary of Gyaan Bodh, Page 27:
Parameshwar Kabir Ji has described Satlok (the Eternal Abode) and His own glory. He stated that the knowledge of the Anami Purush (the Nameless Supreme Being) has been revealed by Him. The Nih-Akshar (the one beyond Akshar, or the Imperishable) is known to no one except Him. In Amar Lok (Satlok), the Eternal Supreme Being has an immortal form. In that realm, Akaal Purush (the Immortal Lord) Himself resides.
Dharmdas jahaan vaas hamaara. Kaal mahaakaal na paavai paara.
Nirbhay ghar bohi hai bhaai. Rog na byaape kaal na khaai.
Aisa hai vah desh hamaara. Jahaan se hum aaye sansaara.
Taaki bhakti kare jo koi. Bhav te chhoote janm na hoi.
Vahaan jaay jeev karai vilaasa. Amar lok mein nahin jeev ka naasha.
Kahai Kabir suno Dharmdaasa. Aadi naam kahon tum paasa.
Moorakh Satguru marm na paavai. Bhav saagar mein bhatka khaavai.
The above verses do not require an explanation of their meaning, as they are self-explanatory.
Page 28 of Gyan Bodh contains some knowledge about the glory of the Guru.
Summary of Page 29 of Gyan Bodh:
Parameshwar Kabir Ji has hidden himself and said that Satpurush has sent him to enlighten the souls. In reality, Kabir Ji himself is Parameshwar.
Hum hain Satlok ke baasi. Daas kahaay prakatay Kaashi.
Kaliyug mein Kaashi chali aaye. Jab hamre tum darshan paaye.
Tab hum naam Kabir dharaaye. Kaal dekh tab rah murjhaaye.
Deh nahin aur darshai dehi. Jag na cheenhe purush videhi.
Nahin baap na maata jaaye. Abgat se hum chal aaye.
Hote videh deh dhari aaye. Aadi naam jag ter sunaaye.
Meaning: Parameshwar Kabir Ji has revealed that He is the Complete Supreme God and has manifested in Kashi (India) in the form of a servant. His body is not composed of the five elements; rather, it is termed as Videh (beyond physical elements). Though His form is visible, it is not like ordinary human bodies. This unique form is referred to as Videh, which generally means "without a body." However, His body is visible to human eyes.
Kabir Ji explained that He is not born of parents but is Swayambhu (self-existent). He existed in the Videh form, which is a special body invisible to ordinary human vision—a radiant, extraordinary form. Upon coming into this world, He has donned another physical cover. Kabir Ji declared that He has descended in all four ages, with a unique name in each era.
Chaaron yug ke chaaron naama. Maaya rahit rahe tihi thaama (sthaan).
Satyug mein Sat Sukrit kahaaye. Treta naam Munindr dharaaye.
Dwapar mein Karunamay kahaaye. Kaliyug naam Kabir rakhaaye.
Aadinam chaaron yug tera. Sajjan jeev sunat hi aaya nera.
Jo jo jeev sharan mein aaye. Tinko humne naam sunaaye.
There is no need for an explanation of the meaning. The verses speak for themselves.
Summary of Page 30 of Gyan Bodh:
Dharmdas Ji wanted to know the characteristics of devotees, i.e., seekers, from Parameshwar Kabir Ji. Kabir Parameshwar Ji explained that there have been many devotees in the world.
Dharmdas Vachan
Kah Dharmdas suno Prabhu raai. Bhakt bhaav mohi dev bataai.
Kabir Vachan
Bhakton ki yah katha pasaara. Dharmdas suniyo chitt dhaara.
Jag mein bhakt bhaye adhikaari. Jogi sanyaasi lata dhaari.
Shiv Gorakh aru bahu brahmachaari. Maaya ne sabko thagdaari.
Inko thag jab hum par dhaai. Gupt naam hum ter sunaai.
Laut gai maaya bahuvaari. Hum rahe jeet maaya gai haari.
Maaya jaal hai kathin apaara. Taase muni gan baithe haara.
Maaya jaal paro mat bhaai. Dharmdas jag kaho guharaai.
Bhavsagar hai bhakt bahutera. Jin ko tumse kaho nibera.
Mauni bhaye mukhu nahin bolen. Bhes banaaye ghar ghar dolen.
Angahi bhasm gale bich maala. Madhiya baith bhaye matwaala.
Dhooni ramaay guriya sarakaave. Gagan chadhaay ke jag bharmaave.
Kaan phaad shir jata badhaaye. Maathhe chandan tilak lagaaye.
Vastra ranga jogi ban aaye. Prabhu mile nahin bhes banaaye.
Bahut karen jap tap re bhaai. Aadi naam koi nahin paai.
Paahan seven bhakt kahaavai. Chandan tel sindoor chadhaavai.
Maanush janm bade tap hoi. Naam bina jhoothe tan khoi.
Saadhu yukti as chaal bataaun. Dharmdas main tumhein lakhaun.
Kaam krodh lobh ahankaara. Soi saadhu jo itne maara.
Meaning: Parameshwar Kabir Ji has clarified that those who possess the secret name, i.e., Aadinam (Saar Shabd), are not influenced by Maya. They do not get entangled in Maya. Parameshwar Kabir Ji has said that:
Kabir, maaya daasi sant ki, ubhay de aashish. Vilsi aur laaton chhadi, sumar-sumar Jagdish.
Those who have not met a Complete Saint and have not received the Saar Shabd (True Essence Mantra) have engaged in very rigorous practices. They have performed various forms of practices contrary to the scriptures, which ordinary people cannot accomplish. As a result, these seekers became renowned in the world, but they did not achieve liberation. Maya (Goddess Durga) deceived all of them. She stripped them of their spiritual powers, and some were ensnared in the traps of women.
Maya (Durga) has tried multiple times to cast her net on me, but I chanted the secret name loudly and drove her away. ("When she came to deceive me, I invoked the secret name. Maya fled many times. I remained victorious, and Maya was defeated.")
Seekers, by engaging in practices that are against the scriptures, waste their lives. Some observe complete silence, refraining from speaking, and go from house to house. Some smear ash on their bodies, while others pierce their ears and wear earrings, earning the name Kanpada. Some grow long hair on their heads, known as Jatadhari. They mark their foreheads with tilak, and some dye their clothes red and become ascetics. The public starts believing them to be complete saints and begins worshiping them. However, the Supreme God cannot be attained through such superficial displays.
Kabir, maanush janm bade punya se hoi. Naam bina jhootha tan khoi.
Bahut karen jap tap re bhaai. Aadi naam bin mukti naahin.
Without Adinaam (also known as Saar Shabd), liberation is not possible. Those engaging in the aforementioned superficial practices do not possess the Saar Shabd. Upon receiving the Saar Shabd, a devotee should become humble, avoiding lust (worldly desires), greed, anger, and similar vices. They should find contentment in whatever simple food the Supreme God provides, refraining from consuming meat, alcohol, or intoxicating substances, and should remember Adinaam day and night.
Summary of Gyan Bodh, Page 31:
Tattva prakriti aur bal maaya. Inhin jeet tab saadhu kahaaya.
Ant kapat sab dey bahaai. Kshama gang mein baith nahaai.
Haar jeet aur abhimana. Inson rahit so saadhu jaana.
Bihansat badan bhajan ko aagar. Sheetal daya prem sukhsaagar.
Sab shat karm chhod agyaana. Dhar le keval nirgun dhyaana.
Dhanya dhanya jag saadhu hai soi. Jin apni durmati sab khoi.
Aisi rahan saadhu ki bhaai. Jab hansa nirbhay pad paai.
Saadhu lakshan tumhein sunaaya. Gan muni kahoon bhed na paaya.
Aadi naam ko nit gungaavo. Sovat jaagat na bisraavo.
Sat Saahib hai sabse niyaara. Taahi jape hove bhav paara.
Bhakt anek bhaye jag maahin. Jog karai pai yukti na paahin.
Meaning: A devotee must have complete faith in the Supreme God. They should not be disturbed by worldly losses or victories but instead remain content with God’s will, regardless of the extent of the loss. One should understand and accept God’s divine will. If the Supreme God is pleased, He can turn all losses into gains in a moment. However, if one distances themselves from God due to worldly setbacks, it will lead to complete ruin.
Supreme God Kabir Ji said, "O Dharmdas! These are the characteristics of a true seeker. Remember Adinaam (Saar Shabd) day and night. Do not forget the Supreme God, whether asleep or awake. The true and imperishable Supreme God is distinct from all others. Blessed are the devotees and saints whose ignorance has been dispelled."
Summary of Gyan Bodh, Page 32:
This page explains the glory of the Guru and teaches how a disciple should behave toward their Guru.
Guru seva mein phal sab aavai. Guru vimukh nar paar na paavai.
Guru vachan nishchay kar maanai. Poore guru ki seva thaanai.
Guru se shishya kare chaturai. Sevaheen narak mein jaai.
A seeker should consider another’s wife as equivalent to their mother or sister and regard someone else’s wealth as mere stones. They should cultivate compassion for all living beings, abstain from harming any creature, and avoid consuming meat. A devotee's heart must be filled with compassion. Such devotion should aim to achieve the realization of the Saar Shabd.
It is further mentioned that seekers should also arrange for spiritual recitations (paath). On every full moon day, once a month, they must conduct a paath. If monthly recitation is not possible, it should be done once every six months. If even that is not feasible, a paath should be conducted at least once a year. The sacred chants revealed by Kabir Paramatma, including Adinaam, Santanam, and the first mantra, are collectively known as Kabir Ji's names. Chanting these is essential for liberation. Those who do so will certainly attain salvation.
Summary of Gyan Bodh, Page 33:
This page emphasizes compassion toward living beings. It highlights how butchers commit heinous acts by slaughtering animals and how hunters derive joy from killing. Such individuals are wicked and unjust.
They are urged to abandon cruelty and violence, seek refuge in the true Guru, receive initiation, and engage in devotion to achieve their salvation.
Summary of Gyan Bodh, Page 34:
Supreme God Kabir Ji explained the meaning and significance of Adinaam.
Aadinam hai ajar shareera. Tan man se gah Sat Kabira.
Dharmdas sun jo gahe Kabira. So paavai sukh saagar seera (hissa).
Nij shabd Kabir hai saara. Jaaka hai nij sakal pasaara.
There is some fabricated speech in this where it mentions that one should not make a distinction between Dharmdas and Kabir. This is meant in reference to the Guru, who occupies the position of the Guru. It is then clearly stated that:
Aadinam main bhaakh sunaayo. Yah naam jape se mukti paayo.
Doha: Aadi naam hai mukti ka, jap jaan jo koe.
Koti naam sansaar mein, taase mukti na hoe.
Summary of Gyan Bodh, Page 35:
"Knowledge of Four Gurus"
This section explains that four Gurus were appointed in the four yugas:
- Satyayuga – Sahte Ji
- Treta Yuga – Banke Ji
- Dwapar Yuga – Chaturbhuj Ji
- Kaliyuga – Dharmdas Ji
Analysis: Immediately following this description, the text mentions the "42 generations of Dharmdas Ji." However, the related verses appear fabricated (milawati). These verses claim:
Dharmdas vansh bayaalees tumhare saara aur sakal sab jhooth pasaara. Inhein saump dev tum bhaara.
Explanation: The meaning of these verses suggests that Kabir Sahib tells Dharmdas Ji that only his 42 generations are genuine and should be entrusted with the responsibility of liberation.
However, this contradicts the truth: Kabir Sahib did not give Dharmdas Ji the Guru position. Instead, his other son, Chudamani (also known as Muktamani), was personally initiated and granted the Guru title by Kabir Sahib. Dharmdas Ji was given only the first mantra.
Kabir Sahib also clarified that within this Guru tradition, by the sixth generation, the authentic worship method would be abandoned. A counterfeit path—promoted by Taksari Kabir Panth followers—would emerge, practicing incorrect rituals like artificial mantras, aarti, and chaunka (ritualistic worship). This is a deception by Kaal that would lead to the end of true worship in the 42 generations of Dharmdas Ji’s lineage [Provenance: Anurag Sagar, Page 140].
Finally, Kabir Sahib, in the concluding verses of Gyan Bodh, Page 35, clearly stated: "O Dharmdas, those who possess the knowledge of true naam (real mantras) are our lineage. The rest are simply worldly people, part of the ordinary populace. Even among your descendants, only those with true devotion are considered my lineage. The others will drown in the ocean of existence."
Dharmdas main kaho vichaari. Yahi vidhi nibhai sab sansaari.
Saakhi: Naam bhed jo jaanhein, soi vansh hamaar.
Naatar duniya bahut hai, bood mara sansaar.
Then God Kabir said to Dharmdas that I have granted you "Saar Shabad". Due to the power of this mantra, Kaal will remain under your submission.
Saar shabd main tumko deenha, kaal tumhare rahe aadhina.
Furthermore, in Kabir Sagar, chapter Kabir Bani (page 137, 983) and chapter Jeev Dharma Bodh (page 1937), Kabir Sahib instructed:
"O Dharmdas, do not reveal this Saar Shabd to anyone. This mantra must remain concealed until 5,505 years of Kaliyuga have passed, and the twelve (12) sects of Kaal have been eradicated."
Analysis: At that time, no such sects even existed, which highlights Kabir Sahib’s foresight. This also implies that the Saar Shabd was not given to Dharmdas Ji’s son, Chudamani (Muktamani).
Summary of Gyan Bodh (Pages 36–39):
- Page 36: Contains general knowledge.
- Page 37: Explains that the "mind" (mann) is an agent of Kaal.
- Page 38: Summarizes that Kaal Brahm cannot enter Satlok, nor can any other deities. Hence, they cannot reach the supreme abode. Kabir Sahib praised his Satlok, describing it as a realm of immense bliss, which Kaal, Durga, and other deities cannot attain. Only a soul possessing the Saar Shabd can easily reach this eternal, blissful realm. Once a soul reaches Satlok, it never returns to the material world.
In alignment with this, the speaker of the Gita also stated:
- Gita Chapter 18, Verse 62: "Surrender to that Supreme God; by His grace, you shall attain ultimate peace and eternal supreme abode."
- Gita Chapter 15, Verse 4: "Seek refuge in that Supreme God, reaching whom one never returns to this world."
Summary of Gyan Bodh Page 39:
Aadinam ki jo raakhe aasha. Taapai pare nahin kaal ki faansa.
Aadinam nirakshar bhaai. Taahi naam le lok jaai.
Akah naam kaha nahin jaai. Ghat ghat vyaap nirantar saai.
Hiye nayan se dekho bhaai. Tab tumko vah Ram lakhaai.
Meaning: This page clarifies that Adinaam is also called Nihakshar. By accumulating the wealth of worship (spiritual practice) through the repetition of this name, one attains Satlok. A person who earnestly seeks liberation through the faith and devotion of Adinaam is freed from Kaal’s bondage.
The bondage of Kaal is karma. Through Saar Shabd or Adinaam, all sinful deeds and karmic debts are nullified. Adinaam is also called Akah Naam, which means it cannot be recited aloud. Its meditation is performed silently through breath and focus of the mind (Surat-Nirat). The Supreme God can only be perceived through divine vision (Divya Drishti).
Summary of Gyan Bodh Page 40:
Soham shabd nirakshar baasa. Taahi shabd jap hai nij daasa.
Saar shabd ka sumaran kari hai. Sahaj amar lok nistari hai.
Sumaran ka bal aisa hoi. Karm kaat sab pal mein khoi.
Sumaran se sab karm vinaasha. Sumaran se hoy divya gyaan prakaasha.
Meaning: This page explains the importance of remembering the Saar Shabd. Those who claim that there is no need for remembrance, and that the Guru alone will lead to liberation, should carefully read this page and abandon false notions. They should receive Adinaam from the Complete Guru and practice its remembrance.
It further states that the Saar Shabd i.e. Nihakshar, is integrated with the Soham mantra. This mantra must be recited. Through remembrance of this sacred mantra, all sins and karmic consequences are destroyed. The Supreme God can be seen through divine vision (हिये नयन = हृदय नैंन - eyes of the heart). Those who meditate on the Saar Shabd easily find a place in Satlok.
Summary of Gyan Bodh Page 41:
Yaahi granth mein naam niyaara. Sookshm reeti se kahon pukaara.
Jai aadi naam jaane sansaara. Kare bhakti to pahunche darbaara.
Padhein sant hove matidheera. Aadi naam hai ajar shareera.
Aadinam hai Sat Kabira. Jo jan gahe chhoote bhav peera.
Aadi naam pehchaano bhaai. Tab hansa nij ghar hi jaai.
Gyaan updesh kah Guru poora. Naam gahe chela soi soora.
Meaning: The Adinaam has been mentioned in this Gyan Bodh scripture. It is unique and distinct from any other mantra. It is not found in any written scripture. Only a Complete Satguru can provide initiation into Adinaam. By receiving this mantra from a Complete Satguru and faithfully adhering to it, one can transcend worldly existence.
A true disciple benefits fully from the teachings of the Complete Guru by following all prescribed guidelines and maintaining proper conduct.