Summary of Chapter Kabir Bani of Kabir Sagar
Chapter 23 of the Kabir Sagar, titled Kabir Bani, begins on page 92. This chapter contains incomplete and interpolated knowledge of creation up to page 101. For the authentic and detailed account of the creation of the universe, readers should refer to pages 603 to 670 in this same text.
Summary of Kabir Bani (Pages 102–103):
Dharamdas Ji asked Kabir Sahib a profound question, stating, “O Lord! You have imparted knowledge about both the Ansh (spiritual lineage) and the Vansh (biological lineage). The Ansh refers to disciples born through your Naad (word or divine sound), and the Vansh refers to biological descendants born from the body."
Dharamdas Ji then inquired, "What will be the spiritual fate of those from my lineage (Vansh) who impart initiation? And what will happen to the followers who receive initiation from the Ansh (spiritual lineage)? To which realms or abodes will these two groups of disciples ascend?"
Dharmdas vinati asalaai, tumhare charan mukti gati paai.
Utapati kaaran hum paava, vansh-ansh donon niratava.
Lok dweep thaur batayo, baithak asneh hans hans chinhayo.
Kaisa swaroop samarth hai, kaise hain sab hans.
Kehi karni te paaiye, kaise katai kaal ki fans.
"Satguru Vachan" Chaupai
Kahe Kabir suno Dharmdasa, alp buddhi ghat maanh nivaasa.
Satya Lok hai adhar anoopa, tamein hai sattavis (27) deepa.
Satt shabd ka teka deena, agam pohumeer cheetni leena.
Sagar saat tahi vistara, hans chale taha karai vistara.
Agravasa vah suvarna kaanti, tahan baithe hansan ki paanti.
Puhup dweep hai madhya sihansan, kalp dweep hansan ko aasan.
Avigat bhushan avigat singara, avigat vastra avigat ahara.
Kamal swaroop bhoumi hai bhai, vahan ki upma deu bataai.
Abha chandra surya nahi paavah, bhool chook ke sheesh navaavah.
Kala anek sukh sada hoi, vah sukh bhed yaha lahe na koi.
Nirtai hans purush ke sanga, nakhshikh roop banyo bahu anga.
Purush roop ko varnai bhai, koti bhanu shashi paar na jaai.
Chatra swaroop ko varnai bhai, avigat roop sada adhikai.
Sattavis dweep mein kare ananda, jo pahunche so kate fanda.
Hans hirambhar aur sohnga, shwet arun roop dou anga.
Vimal jot ko hai ujiyaara, jhalak kalapurush mein bhara.
Chari shabd ka lok banava, paanch swaroop lai hans samava.
Satya shabd ki bhoomi banaai, kshama shabd aasan nirmaai.
Dhiraj shabdasoon chatra ujiyaara, sumat shabdasoon vastra pasaara.
Prem shabdasoon hans nirmaai, aap shabdatay lok samaai.
Deepan karai deep hans bihara, tahan purush nirmal ujiyaara.
Jab vihanse mukh mod suhaai, nirat heri vihanse chitlaai.
Lord Kabir said, "O Dharmdas! Your intellect has again become limited, meaning you are asking questions that reflect a lack of understanding. Now listen to the answer to your question: In Satlok, there are twenty-seven (27) islands and seven oceans. In these islands reside countless liberated souls, referred to as 'hans' (pure devotees). They wear beautiful garments, adorn themselves with ornaments, and possess extraordinary radiance. Let me describe the brilliance of the Supreme Lord: the glow of even a single hair follicle on His body is equivalent to the combined light of millions of suns and moons. The crown on His head is also self-illuminated.
Summary of Kabir Bani, Pages 104–105:
Dharmdas asked, "What kind of actions (devotional practices) lead to attaining Satlok, and which practices lead to other islands?" Answering this, Lord Kabir stated that initiation is given in three stages. (Readers should note that Kabir Sagar contains interpolations, and you can see traces of this on page 104. Now, the true knowledge is being shared.) Those who receive initiation in all three stages, follow the disciplines, and practice worship diligently, attain Satlok after leaving their physical body. Those who take initiation from fake gurus and practice their teachings end up in false realms created by Kaal, remaining trapped within Brahm Lok, a domain under Kaal's control.
On page 105, there is an account of Dharmdas and his wife Amini Devi receiving initiation.
Teeni ansh ki lagan vichaari. Naari tatha purush ubaari.
Naari-purush hoy ek sanga. Satguru vachan deenh sohnga (soham).
Soham shabd hai agam apaara. Taaka dharmani main kahun vichaara.
Soham ped ka tana aur daara. Shaakha anya teen prakaara.
Amrit vastu bahu prakaara. Soham shabd hai sumaran saara.
Soham shabd nishchay ho paavai. Soham dor gah lok sidhaavai.
Jaa ghat hoy soham mat saara. Soee aavahu lok hamaara.
Surati naam soham mein raakho. Parche gyaan tum jag mein bhaasho.
Eti siddhi (shakti) soham ki bhaai. Dharmadas tum leyo chitlaai.
Dharmadas leenhaa parvaana. Bhaye adheen chhuta abhimana.
Soham karni oonch vichaara. Soham shabd hai jeev ujiyaara.
Summary of page 106
Kabir, Dharmadas un-man baso, karo satya shabd ki aash.
Soham saar sumaran hai, munivar maren piyaas.
Meaning: Lord Kabir explained to Dharmdas Ji about the completion of the initiation process in three stages. This created a strong desire in Dharmdas to receive initiation. Both husband and wife (Dharmdas and Amini Devi) took initiation and received the "Soham" mantra. Kabir Sahib further mentioned as follows:
Kabir, Akshar Purush ek ped hai, Kshar Purush (Niranjan) vaaki daar.
Teeno deva shaakha bhaye, paat roop sansaar.
The part of the tree visible above the ground is the trunk, which represents Akshar Purush. Its mantra is "Soham." The main branch represents Kshar Purush, also known as Niranjan, and a mantra for him is also given. The three deities (Brahma of Rajogun, Vishnu of Satogun, and Shiva of Tamogun) are considered the smaller branches of this tree. The roots, hidden beneath the earth, symbolize Satpurush (the Eternal Supreme Being). A mantra for Satpurush is also given, but it is kept secret. It is revealed to the disciple during initiation and explained to them in detail.
Lord Kabir gave the first mantra, followed by initiation into "Satnam." This Satnam comprises two syllables: one is "Om," and the other is "Soham." Dharmdas Ji had no doubts regarding the five names in the first mantra and the "Om" syllable of Satnam. In fact, he was delighted, as the mantra matched his previous devotion to Vishnu and Lakshmi Ji. The "Om" syllable was familiar and trustworthy to him. However, upon hearing the "Soham" syllable, he felt somewhat uneasy.
Being omniscient, Lord Kabir understood Dharmdas Ji's hesitation. He explained that the "Soham" mantra is the 'gist of mantra recitation' and is a special mantra. Without this mantra, even sages and seers remained thirsty, meaning they could not attain liberation.
Pages 108 and 109:
These pages contain general knowledge that has already been discussed earlier.
Page 110:
This page provides general knowledge and emphasizes how a disciple should regard their Guru. It offers specific teachings on the appropriate attitude a disciple must have towards their Guru.
How should a disciple regard their Guru?
Guruson antar kabahu na raakhai. Prem preeti son deenata bhaakhai.
Je guruko ninde aksharaku dhyaavai. Bin guru akshar kaise paavai.
Guru sangaati shabd lakhaavai. Jaake bal hansaa dhar aavai.
Guruswati, gururoop swaroopa. Guru paars hai aadi anoopa.
Gurubhringi guru so bahurangi. Keetate karahi aap hitasangi.
Guru hai saanche siddha samaana. Guru malayaagir vaas pramaana.
Jaise sneh kamal aur bhaunra. Jaise sneh chandr aru chakora.
Jaise sneh lahar jal anga. Jaise sneh hai deep patanga.
Jaise sneh mriga aur jantri. Jaise sneh chakmak aur pathri.
Jaise sneh swati aur papiha. Jaise sneh chumbak aru loha.
Jaise sneh meen aru neera. Jal bichhurai vah tajai sharira.
Aise guru shishya ko sandesha. Mukti hoy guru mitayo andesha.
Ete sneh shishya sahidani. Itne guru ke tattva bakhaani.
Guru ki daya chalo re bhai. Bin guru paar na paavai koi.
Guru soi satya shabd bitaavai. Aur guru koi kaam na aavai.
Saakhi-upma kaha deejiye, pattar kohu naahi.
Pal-pal karo ju bandagi, chhin-chhin dekho taahi.
Lord Kabir, through Dharmdas Ji, conveyed to all devotees the attitude and devotion a disciple should have towards their Guru. He emphasized that a disciple should not act deceitfully in front of their Guru, should speak with a pure heart, and address their Guru with humility. Those who criticize their Guru or abandon true devotion and worship Kaal (the negative force) cannot attain the eternal Supreme God without their Guru.
Guru shishya patang deep sam hoi. Aisa sneh kar jo koi.
Examples of Devotion:
Bee and Flower: Just as a bee sits on a flower, it becomes so absorbed that when the flower closes at night, the bee dies with it but does not leave the flower.
Chakora Bird and the Moon: The Chakora bird gazes at the moon from the moment it rises, focusing intently. As the moon moves upward, the bird tilts its neck further back to maintain its gaze. Even when the moon moves behind, the bird bends its neck backward while perched on a tree. Many times, it falls from the tree, breaking its neck, yet it keeps its eyes fixed on the moon. Even if lying on the ground, it doesn’t stop looking at the moon. During dark moonless nights, the bird sometimes mistakes glowing embers for the moon and picks them up with its beak. Even when its tongue burns and it dies, it doesn’t release the ember. This is the kind of unwavering love a disciple should have for their Guru to attain the Supreme God. Unlike the Chakora, who gains nothing from the moon, a disciple receives the invaluable gifts of true devotion and God from the Guru. There is no loss in this exchange.
Hunter and Deer: A hunter uses an instrument to produce a tune that lures deer towards him. The deer, mesmerized by the sound, approaches the hunter without fear, even though the hunter may capture and kill it for his benefit. Yet the deer doesn’t retreat. Similarly, a disciple should have unconditional love for their Guru, which ensures liberation.
Papeeha Bird: The Papeeha bird refuses to drink water from the ground, even if it dies of thirst. It drinks only the raindrops falling from the sky. Similarly, a disciple should not seek teachings from anyone other than their Guru.
Fish and Water: A fish cannot survive without water, even for a moment. If separated from water, it dies. Similarly, a disciple who understands the significance of liberation becomes like the fish—unable to live without their Guru. Any separation from the Guru makes life unbearable.
However, only a complete Guru, who gives true mantras, can fulfill this role. Other so-called Gurus are of no use. A disciple should always revere and bow to the Guru with deep devotion.
Kabir says:
Kabir, nainon andar aavai tu, jab hi naine jhpeuun. Na main dekhuun aur ko, na tujhe dekhan deuun.
Meaning: True love is so unyielding that it becomes almost selfish. Kabir Ji expressed this intense affection, saying if the Guru could fit within his eyes, he would place him there, close his eyes, and ensure no one else could see him and he himself also sees no one else apart from the Guru. This kind of closeness and affection is essential for a disciple towards their Guru.
Special Knowledge
Dharmdas Ji inquired from Lord Kabir about the lotus formations in the body. Lord Kabir provided knowledge about these lotuses. In the chapter Anurag Sagar of Kabir Sagar, on page 151 and Bhavataran Bodh page 57, Lord Kabir mentioned only eight lotuses. However, in Kabir Bani, chapter page 111, He explained nine lotuses and stated that the Supreme Brahm resides in the ninth lotus.
Summary of Kabir Bani, Page 111:
On this page, Lord Kabir provided highly confidential knowledge about the ninth lotus, wherein resides the Supreme Brahm.
For detailed knowledge of the lotuses, please refer to the summary of Anurag Sagar from page 151 to pages 152–161 of this same book.
Summary of Kabir Bani, Pages 112 and 113:
While page 111 discusses the lotuses of the gross body, these pages explain the lotuses of the subtle body.
Knowledge of the Lotuses in the Subtle Body:
- The first lotus houses Shukla Hans, with vast dimensions.
- The second lotus is the abode of Sahaj Das Ji.
- The third lotus is where Ichha resides.
- The fourth lotus is the seat of the Mool Surti.
- The fifth lotus holds the Soham Surti along with its extensions.
- The sixth lotus is the dwelling of Achint.
- The seventh lotus is the residence of Akshar.
- The eighth lotus is where Tej resides.
- The ninth lotus is the abode of Sat Purush Ji.
Sab kamalan ka kiya nirvaara. Gyaani pandit karo vichaara.
Other general knowledge has already been summarized in previous chapters.
Summary of Kabir Bani, Pages 114–115:
These pages contain general knowledge which is not necessary for practitioners. It pertains to the creation of the universe, sufficient details of which are provided in the section on creation.
Page 116: Contains incorrect and adulterated knowledge.
Page 117: Provides partial knowledge of creation, specifically about the origin of Jyoti Niranjan from an egg.
Pages 118–119: Contain incomplete and partly erroneous, partly correct information about creation. These pages also mention the origin of Jyoti Niranjan from an egg.
Pages 120–121: Repeat previously discussed topics, including the origin of Achint and others.
Pages 122–123: Provide fragments of creation-related knowledge. Complete details of creation are available on page 625.
Pages 124–125: Include general knowledge.
On page 124, Kabir Bani mentions Dharmdas Ji’s inquiry about the power of Naam (mantra) that enables one to reach Satlok.
Lord Kabir explained that the path from Earth to Satlok involves traversing through seven voids, i.e., empty spaces, and in between these voids, there are ten realms in total.
Saat shunya dashalok pramaana. Ansh jo lok lok ko shaana.
Nau sthaan (mukaam) hain dashwaan ghar saachcha. Tehi chadhi jeev sab baacha.
Sora (16) shankh par laagi taari. Tehi chadhi hans bhaye lok darbaari.
Knowledge of the Seven Voids
Meaning: Between the Earth (Prithvi Lok) and Heaven (Swarg Lok), there is an empty space (sunn). Within one Brahmand (universe), there exists Brahm Lok. All other realms form a group, which includes:
- Earth (Prithvi Lok),
- Heaven (Swarg Lok),
- The seven netherworlds (Patal Lok),
- Shri Vishnu Lok,
- Shri Shiv Lok,
- Shri Brahma Lok,
- 88,000 cities (puriyan, settlements).
This constitutes one group.
There is one void (sunn) between Brahm Lok and this group. The second void surrounds Brahm Lok. The third void encompasses five Brahmands. The fourth void surrounds 20 Brahmands. The fifth void encircles the 21 Brahmands of Kaal Brahm.
The sixth void is around the domain of Akshar Purush, also known as Akshar Purush Lok, which exists in a single Brahmand. Akshar Purush's Brahmand contains a cluster of conch-shaped (shankh) Brahmands. Akshar Purush has reserved one Brahmand for Himself, while the remaining six Maha-Brahmands contain six clusters of conch-shaped Brahmands. The void between Akshar Purush's personal Brahmand and Bhavar Gufa (Whirlpool Cave) is the sixth void.
The seventh void lies between Akshar Purush Lok (seven conch Brahmands) and Satlok (the Eternal Realm). Thus, there are nine regions (mukaam). The tenth realm is Satlok, referred to as the True Eternal Realm (Sach Lok).
What are the nine regions?
Knowledge of the Nine Regions and Satlok (10th Region):
The soul resides on the Earth (Prithvi Lok). Devotees waste their spiritual earnings in two realms: Patal Lok (the netherworlds) and Swarg Lok (heaven). The soul must escape from these realms.
These two realms form the first two regions. The realms of the three deities (Trimurti)—Brahma Lok, Vishnu Lok, Shiv Lok—along with Durga's realm, form four more regions. Then comes Brahm Lok, making it the seventh region (2+4+1=7).
- The 21st Brahmand, Kaal Brahm's personal domain, is the eighth region.
- Akshar Purush Lok is the ninth region.
- Satlok, the tenth realm, is the abode of Sat Purush, the True Supreme Being.
Thus, these are the ten regions.
Structure within the Human Body:
The arrangement of these realms corresponds to the lotuses in the human body:
- The realm of Ganesh exists in Patal Lok.
- Above it is the realm of Brahma and Savitri.
- Next is the realm of Vishnu and Lakshmi.
- Above that lies the realm of Mahadev (Shiva) and Parvati.
- Then comes the realm of Durga.
- The Trikuti region exists within Swarg Lok.
- The seventh is Kaal Brahm Lok.
The remaining two realms are above these:
- The personal domain of Jyoti Niranjan.
- The personal domain of Akshar Purush.
Earth (Prithvi Lok) is not counted as it does not lie along the path but serves as the starting point for the soul's journey.
The tenth realm is the Eternal Abode of Sat Purush, called Satlok.
Page 125:
Knowledge of the Sixteen Realms
This page contains knowledge about the sixteen realms (lokas), which are islands within Satlok, distinct from the 27 islands described earlier. These realms are inhabited by the 'divine Word (Speech) sons' of the Supreme Lord (Parameshwar) and their families, who were created at the beginning of creation from 16 Words. The origin and names of these realms can be studied in the section on Creation.
It is also clarified here that through the power of devotional practice (recitation of the Name), all gates will open, meaning paths through each lotus will be accessible, and the doors to all realms (lokas) will open.
Verse: “Patal panji se jeev ubara, bhajan pratap se udhare dwara.”
Summary of Kabir Bani, Pages 126–129:
These pages describe a journey to impart higher spiritual knowledge into the islands of Achint and Akshar Purush. However, this knowledge is not necessary for those living within the realms of Kaal Brahm as it pertains to advanced spiritual states. For beings trapped in the snare of Kaal, only essential knowledge for their liberation will be elaborated. This advanced knowledge is meant for the inhabitants of the realms within Satlok.
Pages 130–131: These pages contain general knowledge.
Summary of Kabir Bani, Pages 132–137:
These pages provide knowledge about the twelve sects (panths). Detailed information is available in this book, Kabir Sagar Ka Saralarth, under the Gyan Sagar summary on pages 88–91. Below is a brief explanation:
On pages 132–133 of Kabir Bani, it is clear that Dharmdas Ji prayed to Parameshwar Kabir Ji, saying:
Dharmdas vinati ansari, Paayo bol bachan mein haari.
Main taroon aur tarein hamari shaakha, Aur pichhle sabhi purkha (purusha).
Meaning: Dharmdas Ji said, "O Lord! Please grant me liberation and that of all the souls from my lineage spanning 42 generations, including my ancestors."
Parameshwar Kabir Ji replied, "O simple-hearted devotee! You are concerned only about the salvation of your descendants and ancestors. I aim to liberate the entire world's living beings."
Satguru vachan
Tab satguru man mein vihansaane (hanse). Ten kya maanga kuchh maang na jaane.
Sarv srishti taaro bhai. Tum to aapan vansh thaharaai.
Yah prapanch kaal sab keenha. Tumhari buddhi kaal kheench leenha.
Tab Dharmadas bhaye maleena (lajjit). Jaise kamal phool murjhina.
Tab satguru bodh vichaara. Dharmadas tum ansh hamaara.
Ek vastu goya (gupt) hum raakhi. So nirnay nahin tum son bhaakhi.
Nautam surati hamri shaakha. Saat surati jo utpatti bhaakha.
Aathvin surati tum chali aaye. Nautam surati hum gupt chhipaaye.
Nautam surati bachan nij mora. Jaahitein palla na pakare chora.
Meaning: Parameshwar Kabir Ji told Dharmdas Ji, "O Dharmdas! Kaal has limited your understanding, making it narrow-minded. You have asked for the salvation of only your ancestors and descendants. Such a limited request! You don’t even know how to ask. I am striving for the liberation of the entire creation." Hearing this, Dharmdas felt ashamed. Kabir Parameshwar Ji then revealed His plan, which had been kept secret.
He explained, "Until now, I have imparted knowledge about seven suratis (souls). You, Dharmdas, are the eighth surati, meaning a soul sent by me. Your son, Chudamani (Muktamani), will be given the position of Guru. However, in the lineage (Bind lineage), the sixth successor on the Guru's throne will be misled by the fifth sect (Taksari Panth) among the 12 sects created by Kaal. At that time, the successors of your lineage will start imparting arti, chauka (worship rituals) related to panth of Kaal (Taksari Panth), and abandon the true mantra. Instead, they will start giving initiation using other meaningless mantras (Ajar Naam, Amar Naam, Ameenam, etc.). In this way, the true worship in your Bind lineage will come to an end. After this, when 5505 years of Kaliyuga have passed, my true sect (Satpanth) and the authentic spiritual practice (Satya Sadhana) will begin."
(As mentioned on pages 140–141 of Anurag Sagar, the sixth successor of your lineage will be misled by the leader of the Taksari Panth.)
Significant Evidence:
Parameshwar Kabir Ji further said, "O Dharmdas! You are a part of me. I will now share a highly secret knowledge that I have hidden from you until now. Seven suratis are the creators of souls. You are the eighth surati, while the ninth surati is my true Word (Nij Vachan), meaning it has the authority from me to grant the mantras of complete liberation. No one initiated by Him will be stopped by this thief Kaal.
Dharmdas prayed, ‘O Supreme God! Please share that Word which can prevent a soul from falling into the cycle of birth and death.’
God Kabir Ji said, ‘I had devised a plan to liberate souls (hans) from Kaal's domain through the assistance of eight drops (boond), meaning the good souls born from male-female unions in Satlok. You are the eighth drop. All of you have been misled by Kaal. Now I will send the ninth drop (Nautam Surati) into the world. Like you, this soul will also take birth through a union (of parents).’
“Tab yug bandhuye Dharmdas, Nautam Surat boond prakasha.
Aath boond ki jugati banayi, Nautam se aathon boond muktai.”
Parameshwar Kabir Ji further blessed him, ‘Through that one drop (Nautam Surati), not only you but all eight drops, as well as the 42 generations of your lineage (Bind lineage), will be liberated.’
“Vansh bayalis boond tumhara, So main ek boond se tara.”
Parameshwar Kabir Ji concluded, "O Dharmdas! You are my eighth surati, sent to the world. When 5505 years of Kaliyuga have passed, my true thirteenth sect (Panth) will begin. It will be led by my ninth surati (Nautam Surati). That ninth soul will be born carrying my true Word (Nij Bachan), meaning the Satnaam and Sar Shabd. Whoever receives initiation in the path led by that soul will not be stopped by this thief, Kaal."
Dharmadas doi kar jora. Kaho bachan soi satguru mora.
Soi bachan kaho samujhaai. Jehi ten jeev srishti mein na aai.
Satguru Uvaach
Aath boond ki jugati banaai. Nautam ten aathon boond muktaai.
Bina guru kooo bhed nahin paavai. Yugbandh hovai to hans kahaavai
Meaning: God Kabir Ji said, "O Dharmdas! My plan was to send eight good souls to take birth in Kaal's domain (material world) for the liberation of living beings. However, all eight have also been misled and are under Kaal's influence. You are the eighth drop, meaning the eighth soul in a human body born from the seed of parents. The liberation of these eight souls will also happen through the ninth drop, a good soul who will take human birth."
On page 133 of Kabir Bani, most of the content is adulterated and fabricated, as it does not align with the context.
However, Dharmdas’s plea to Parameshwar is genuine, where he asks about the education and guidance for his son, Narayan Das:
"Dharmdas Vinati Anusari, Sahib Vinati Suno Hamari.
Narayan Das Hamare Putra Soi, Unki Sikhavan Kaisi Hoi."
Satguru Speaks:
"Tab Satguru Yah Vachan Pukara, Chudamani Vansh Chhatra Ujiara.
Aur Sab Jeev Kaal Dhar Khai, Narayan Jeev Kaal Ka Bhai.
Chudamani Naam Se Kaal Darai, Satnaam Hai To Jeev Muktai.
Tinki Sanand Chale Sansara, Unke Haath Naam Sat Hamara."
This part of the scripture is appropriate, while the rest is fabricated.
Meaning: Parameshwar Kabir Ji clarified that Narayan Das is a soul sent by Kaal. He will not follow our path, as he had once glorified Shri Krishna. I will grant Chudamani the position of Guru, and he will hold the Guru's throne. On page 140 of Anurag Sagar, it is stated that Chudamani's lineage will also eventually be misled and remain trapped in Kaal's domain.
The above-mentioned verses also clarify that if the Guru on the Guru's throne possesses Satnaam, then souls will attain liberation. Their authority (sanad) will be recognized as valid for granting salvation. The Guru will also possess Sat Shabd (the true word). Without this, neither the Guru nor the disciples will attain liberation. Chudamani Ji did not possess Satnaam and Sarshabd. These were meant to remain hidden until the right time (up to the year 1997).
Summary of Page 134:
On page 134 of Kabir Bani, in the divine verses (Amritvani), Kabir Parameshwar Ji clearly states that Chudamani will establish the lineage (bind) for your path. He is one of my finest souls. However, further down your lineage, within the 12 sects that will emerge under Kabir Ji’s name, opposition will arise in the first sect itself. After the sixth generation, Kaal's practices will infiltrate, and this lineage will also become a path influenced by Kaal.
How will the thirteen sect leaders be?
Lineage Description:
- First Lineage - Uttam (This refers to Chudamani Ji).
- Second Lineage - Ahankaari (This is about Jagu Das Ji).
- Third Lineage - Prachand (This is Surat Gopal Ji).
- Fourth Lineage - Birhae (This is the Mul Niranjan sect).
- Fifth Lineage - Nindra (This is the head of the Taksari sect).
- Sixth Lineage - Udhas Virodh (This is the sect of Bhagwan Das Ji).
- Seventh Lineage - Gyan Chaturai (This is the Satnami sect).
- Eighth Lineage - Dwadas Panth Virodh (This is the Kamali sect of Kamal Ji).
- Ninth Lineage - Panth Puja (This is the Ram Kabir sect).
- Tenth Lineage - Prakash (This is the sect of Param Dham’s teachings).
- Eleventh Lineage - Prakat Pasara (This pertains to the Jeeva sect).
- Twelfth Lineage - Prakat Hoye Ujiyaara (This refers to Saint Garib Das Ji of Chhudani village, Jhajjar district, Haryana).
- Thirteenth Lineage - Mitay Sakal Andhiyaara (This pertains to Rampal Das, referred to as Nautam Surti).
On page 155 of Swasamved Bodh, the names of the 12 sects are also written.
It states:
Jab Terahi Peedhi Chali Aavai, Muktamani Tabhi Prakatai.
Dharma Kabir Hoye Prachara, Jahan Tahan Satguru Suyas Uchara.
Summary of Kabir Bani, Page 135 (981):
The content on this page is incomplete and adulterated.
Summary of Kabir Bani, Pages 136 (982)–137 (983):
In these pages, the knowledge of 12 sects is discussed.
"Dwadash Panth Chalo So Bhed"
{The details about the 12 sects are also mentioned on pages 1835 and 1870 of Kabir Charitra Bodh and page 155 of Swasamved Bodh.}
Explanation: Kabir Parmeshwar Ji made it clear that Kaal will establish 12 sects under my name, but those who receive initiation from these sects will not attain the true eternal abode (Amar Lok). Therefore, Dharmdas, I have revealed this future knowledge to you:
The first lineage, referred to as "Uttam," will be the originator of the first sect, Chudamani, also known as Muktamani. Other branches emerging from Chudamani’s lineage will also belong to Kaal's sects.
{Note to readers: Here, the lineage successors of Dharmdas have attempted to separate Chudamani from the 12 sects of Kaal. Alterations have been made in the text. It is stated that the first sect belongs to Jagu Das. However, on page 1870 of Kabir Charitra Bodh, the second sect is written as that of Jagu Das, and the first is written as Narayan Das. Narayan Das was not a Kabir Panthi; he was a Krishna worshipper. On page 1870 of Kabir Charitra Bodh, Narayan Das is mentioned as the first sect, but on page 134 of Kabir Bani, the first lineage is listed as Chudamani, aligning with the content on page 136 of Kabir Bani. Without including Chudamani, the 12 sects remain incomplete. By adding Chudamani, all 12 sects are accounted for.
On page 1870 of Kabir Charitra Bodh, Narayan Das is listed as the first sect leader, while the twelfth sect belongs to Saint Garib Das Ji. Chudamani’s first sect is headquartered in Damakheda (Chhattisgarh). From this headquarters, the self-proclaimed Guru at Kharsia (Bihar) became a preacher of Kaal’s doctrines. These sects continue to operate under Kabir Ji’s name to this day.}
Now, let us read the divine verses (Amritvani) from pages 136–137 of Kabir Bani, spoken by Parmatma Ji.
Dvaadash panth chalo so bhed
Dvaadash panth kaal furmanaa. Bhoole jeev na jaay thikaanaa.
(1) Taate aagam kahi hum raakhaa. Vansh humaar chooramani shaakhaa.
(2) Pratham jag mein jaagoo bhraamaavai. Binaa bhed o granth churaave.
(3) Dusari surati Gopaalahi hoi. Akshar jo jog ṭhiraave soi.
(4) Tisra mool Niranjan baani. Lokved ki nirnay ṭhaani.
(5) Chauthhe panth Taksaal bhed lai aavai. Neer pavan ko sandhi bataavai. So brahm abhimaani jaanee. So bahut jeevan ki kari hai haani.
(6) Paanche panth beej ko lekhaa. Lok paralok kehen hamme dekhaa. Paanch tattva ka marm ṭhiraave. So Beejak shukla le aavai.
(7) Chhathwaa panth SatyaNaami prakaashaa. Ghatke maaheen maarg nivaasaa.
(8) Saatwaa jeev panth le bole baani. Bhayo prateet marm nahin jaani.
(9) Aathve Raam Kabir kahaavai. Satguru bhraamlei jeev ṭhiraavai.
(10) Naume gyaan ki kaal dikhaavai. Bhai prateet jeev sukh paavai.
(11) Dasve bhed ParamDhaam ki baani. Saakh hamari nirnay ṭhaani. Saakhi bhaav prem upjaavai. BrahmGyaan ki raah chalaavai. Tinnme vansh ansh adhikaara. Tinnme so shabd hoy niradhaara.
(12) Samvat satraase pachhattar hoi. Taadin prem praktein jag soi. Aagya rahai Brahm bodh laave. Koli Chamaar sabke ghar khaave. Saakhi hamaare lai jiv samujhaavai. Asankhya janm me ṭhaur na paavai. Baarve panth prakat hovai baani. Shabd hamaare ki nirnay ṭhaani. Asthir ghar ka marm na paavaii. Ye baara panth hameeko dhyavaii. Baarhe panth hami chal aavaii. Sab panth mit ek hi panth chalaavai. Tab lagi bodho kuri Chamaar. Pheri tum bodho raaj darbhaar. Pratham charan Kaljug niyaraanaa. Tab Maghar maadau maidaanaa. Dharmraai se maando baaji. Tab dhari bodho pandit kaaji. Baavan veer Kabiraa kahaau. Bhavsagar son jeev muktaau.
Kaliyug ko ant pathayate
Grihan paray chaintis so vaaraa. Kaliyug lekha bhayo nirdhaaraa.
3400 grihan paray so lekha keenha. Kaliyug antahu piyanaa deenhaa.
Paanch hazaar paanch sau paancha 5505. Tab ye shabd ho gaya saanchaa.
Sahastr varsh grihan nirdhaaraa. Aagam satya Kabir pokaarra.
Kriya sogand
Dharmadaas mori laakh dohaai. Mool shabd baahar na jaai.
Pavitraa gyaan tum jagmon bhaakho. Mool gyaan goi tum raakhao.
Mool gyaan jo baaher parhi. Bichle peedhi vans hans nahin tarhi.
Tettis arab gyaan hum bhaakhaa. Mool gyaan goe hum raakhaa.
Mool gyaan tum tab lagi chhapaaee. Jab lagi dvaadash panth mitaaee.
Dvaadash panth ka jeev asthaan
Dvaadash panth anshan ke bhaai. Jeev bandhi apne lok le jaai.
Dvaadash panth mein purush na paavai. Jeev ansh mein jaai samaavai.
Meaning: Kabir Parmeshwar Ji described the 12 sects of Kaal and also provided knowledge about the 13th sect.
The first sect belongs to Chudamani Ji, the second son of Dharmdas Ji, who was born from the womb of Amini Devi by the blessing of Parmeshwar Kabir Ji.
Later, Parmeshwar Ji bestowed the Guru position upon him. It is clearly stated in Anurag Sagar (pages 140–141) that the lineage of Chudamani, also known as Muktamani, would eventually deviate from true worship. Starting with the sixth generation, the Guru tradition within this lineage (Bind lineage or descendants) would abandon true worship. The fake Kabir sect of Kaal, associated with the Taksari (fifth) sect, started doing aarti chauka, and imparting a full verse similar to an aarti during initiation mentioned specifically in the chapter "Sumiran Bodh" (page 22) of Kabir Sagar.
Current Initiation Mantra: The initiation mantra currently followed by the lineage of Dharmdas Ji is recorded in Sumiran Bodh (page 22) and is as follows:
Smaran paanch naam
Adinaam, Ajar naam, Aminaam, Paatale sapt sindhu naam.
Aakaashe adali nij naam, yehi naam hans ko kaam.
Kholo kunchi kholo kapaat, paanji chadhe mool ke ghaat.
Bhram bhoot ka baandho gola, kah Kabir pramaan. Paanch naam le hansa, satyalok samaan.
This complete Aarti is the name mantra that was initiated from the sixth generation of Dharmdas Ji and is still practiced today (as of 2013). It is referred to as the "Five Names." The actual Five Names are those that open the spiritual lotuses and are currently being provided by the 13th sect leader, Rampal Das Ji.
The middle five names of this mantra were given by Parmeshwar Kabir Ji to Chudamani, the son of Dharmdas Ji. However, Satnam and Saar Shabd were not included. These five names were the ones Kabir Ji instructed Chudamani Ji to use for initiation in his lineage.
Later, the fifth Kaal sect, the Taksari sect, influenced by this mantra, discontinued its use by arguing that this form of worship was aimed at deities and not at Sat Purush (the Supreme Being), as Kabir Sahib had emphasized devotion to Sat Purush. This sect began using only the praise for the five names, as described in Kabir Sagar, "Sumiran Bodh" (page 22), as the initiation mantra.
The Sumiran Bodh text explains that the mantra of the Five Names is eternal and timeless (Ajar, Amar), and through it, along with Satnam and Saarnaam, complete liberation can be attained.
Currently, this initiation is being provided by the descendants of Dharmdas Ji, particularly through the Mahant Gaddi (spiritual leadership seat) located in Damakheda, Chhattisgarh.
Now let us explain the Amrit Vani written on pages 136 and 137 of Kabir Bani.
- First Path = Chudamani Ji - All the branches emerging from the lineage of Dharmdas Ji's descendants are counterfeit Kabir sects propagated by Kaal. These are collectively considered one path because all practice the same Taksari sect's Kaal worship.
- Second Path = Jagu Das
- Third Path = Surat Gopal
- Fourth Path = Mool Niranjan Path
- Fifth Path = Taksari Path
- Sixth Path = Bij Ka Lekha, i.e., Bhagwan Das Path
- Seventh Path = Satnami Path
- Eighth Path = Kamal’s Path
- Ninth Path = Ram Kabir Path
- Tenth Path = Jeeva Path
- Eleventh Path = Paramdham Ki Bani Path
- Twelfth Path = Saint Garibdas Ji’s Path (from Chhudani Dham, District Jhajjar, Haryana)
On page 136 of the Kabir Bani, the description of the 12th panth begins with the last line:
"Samvat Satra Sau Pachhattar Hoi, Ta Din Prem Prakatai Jag Soi."
Meaning: In Vikram Samvat 1774, Saint Garibdas Ji was born. However, due to a mistake, the text mentions the year as 1775.
On page 137, further verses provide additional details:
Barahvein panth pragat hoy baani. Shabd hamare ka nirnay thaanee.
Saakhi hamari le jeevan samjhaave. Asankhya janm thaur nahin paave.
Asthir (sthaayi) ghar ka marm nahin paave. Ye barah panth hamhi ko dhyaave.
Barahvein panth ham hi chali aave. Sab panth mita ek panth chalaave.
Pratham charan Kalyug niryaana. Tab Maghar maando maidaana.
Meaning: Kabir Parmeshwar Ji explained that the founder of the twelfth sect would be born in Vikrami Samvat 1774. This refers to Saint Garibdas Ji. It is also clarified in Kabir Charitra Bodh (chapter, page 1870) that the twelfth sect belongs to Garibdas Ji. Further, it is said that in the twelfth sect, my glory-filled words will manifest, meaning Garibdas Ji, the founder of the twelfth sect, will speak of my glorious teachings.
His followers and those of the other eleven sects will use my Sakhi (verses) as a foundation and interpret them according to their understanding to explain them to souls. They will derive meanings of the stanzas, verses, words, and couplets from my speech using their intellect. However, without proper understanding, they will misinterpret and distort the meanings, leading to confused explanations. Consequently, they will not attain the permanent abode, Satlok, even after countless lifetimes.
These twelve sects will claim to practice my worship but, due to the lack of the true mantra of worship, they will fail to acquire knowledge of the eternal abode, Satlok, and thus will not be able to reach it.
Parmeshwar Kabir Ji said that eventually, I will personally appear in the twelfth sect, meaning I will arrive within Garibdas Ji’s sect in the future. This is also clearly stated on page 132 of Kabir Bani:
Ek vastu goy (gupt) hum raakhee. So nirnay tum so nahin bhaakhee.
Nautam surati hamaari saakha. Saat surati ki utpatti bhaakha.
Aathvin surati tum chali aaye. Nautam (nauvin) surati hum gupt chhipaaye.
Nautam surati bachan nij mora. Je hite palla na pakare kaal chora.
Meaning: Parmeshwar Kabir Ji has clearly explained that, Dharmdas, you are the eighth virtuous soul. You have already come. Now the ninth virtuous soul will come, who is my own (special) command, meaning that soul will possess my complete power. I had kept this hidden from you. On page 137, it is explicitly mentioned that I will come into the twelfth sect.
Now, Parmeshwar's divine presence (Nautam Surati) has manifested in the twelfth sect as Rampal Das. As seen in Kabir Sagar, interpolations were made by the successors of Dharmdas Ji’s lineage, spreading the false belief that salvation of the world would be achieved through Dharmdas Ji and his progeny, specifically the descendants of Churamani Ji, who would continue for 42 generations.
They even propagated the fallacy that Kabir Parmeshwar Ji stated He would not descend to Earth as long as the Guru tradition of Dharmdas Ji's 42 generations persisted. However, if this were true, Kabir Ji would not have stated, "I will appear in the twelfth sect."
If this claim held any validity, Kabir Parmeshwar Ji would not have appeared to meet Saint Garibdas Ji in the village of Chhudani in Vikram Samvat 1784 (1727 CE).
Further, on page 137, it is mentioned:
When did the first phase of Kaliyug begin?
Pratham charan Kalyug niryaana. Tab Maghar maando maidaana.
Translation: Parmeshwar Kabir Ji said that He would perform a divine act in Maghar, engaging in a spiritual debate with Brahmins (a discussion or challenge in the form of a spiritual discourse). The term "setting the ground" (मैदान माँडने) implies challenging someone to wrestle or a debate or engaging in a competition of knowledge (shastrarth). Hindu scholars (Pundits) used to claim that anyone who died in Kashi would attain heaven, while those who died in Maghar would be reborn as donkeys. Hence, people were advised not to die in Maghar.
Parmeshwar Kabir Ji taught that one who practices true worship, even if they die in Maghar, would still attain heaven or even a higher realm. (Maghar is a town in Uttar Pradesh, located in Sant Kabir Nagar district, about 25 km from Gorakhpur towards Ayodhya.) Kabir Parmeshwar Ji declared that He would die in Maghar and ascend to the highest realm.
In Vikram Samvat 1575 (1518 CE), on the 11th day of the waxing moon in the month of Magh, Parmeshwar Kabir Ji announced His intention to depart for Satlok. The direct distance from Kashi to Maghar is 150 km. At that time, Kabir Parmeshwar Ji was 120 years old. He walked for three days to reach Maghar from Kashi.
The King of Kashi, Veer Singh Baghel, was a disciple of Kabir Parmeshwar Ji, as was the Nawab of Maghar, Bijli Khan Pathan. Both of them, along with their armies, reached the spot by the Ami River, half a kilometer outside Maghar, where Kabir Ji was seated. Parmeshwar Kabir Ji spread a sheet under Him, and His devotees reverently laid flowers two inches thick on it. Kabir Ji lay on the flowers and declared, "I am leaving this world."
At that moment, thousands of people and soldiers were present, including Brahmins who had come to witness the event. Kabir Ji stated that His body would not remain. Nawab Bijli Khan Pathan, a Muslim, wanted to perform the last rites according to Muslim traditions, while Veer Singh Baghel, a Hindu, insisted on performing the rites as per Hindu customs. Both sides were prepared to go to war if a resolution could not be reached.
Parmeshwar Kabir Ji said, "What impact has My teaching had on you? You still see Hindus and Muslims as separate. If you fight, it will not be right." However, neither side was willing to relent, and they were fully prepared for battle.
Being omniscient, Kabir Ji said, "If My body is found, divide it in half and take one sheet each. Do not fight." He then covered Himself with a sheet. A short while later, a voice from the sky announced, "Lift the sheet; the body is not there." When they lifted the sheet, they found fragrant, fresh flowers arranged in the shape of a body.
Those who were about to wage war embraced each other and wept. The Brahmins were astonished that someone who died in Maghar had ascended to heaven with their body because they did not have the knowledge of Satlok.
Both the Hindus and Muslims took one sheet and half of the flowers each. They built memorials in Maghar, close to each other. Bijli Khan Pathan allocated 500 bighas of land to each memorial, which remains as evidence even today. (One old bigha = 2.75 new bighas. One acre equals five new bighas.)
This event occurred during the first phase of Kaliyug when Parmeshwar Kabir Ji ascended to Satlok from Maghar with His physical body.
The Mid-Phase of Kaliyug
Parmeshwar Kabir Ji revealed that when 5,505 years of Kaliyug have passed, He would establish the Thirteenth Path. In 1997, 5,505 years of Kaliyug had passed, and the Thirteenth Path had begun.
The Final Phase of Kaliyug
Kabir Parmeshwar Ji foretold that when 3,400 solar eclipses have occurred, the end of Kaliyug will come. At that time, Kaliyug will conclude and depart. On page 137 of Kabir Bani, line 14 is incorrectly written. The correct couplet is as follows:
Terahvaan panth chale rajdhaani. Nautam surati pragat gyaani.
Similarly, line 13 is also written incorrectly. The correct version is:
Sanhasra varsh panth chale nirdhaara. Aagam (bhavishya) satya Kabir pokaara.
Verse 12 is also incorrect; the correct version is:
Kalyug beete paanch hazaar paanch sau paancha. Tab yah bachan hoyga saacha.
Line 15 is also written incorrectly. The correct version is:
Kabir bhakti kare sab koi. Sakal srishti pravanik (deekshit) hoi.
Explanation: Parmeshwar Kabir Ji described the three phases of Kaliyug. He then took an oath from Dharmdas Ji, stating that the original knowledge (Tattvagyan) and the original word (Saar Shabd) must not be revealed to anyone until the twelve paths have been eradicated.
Consider this: the objective was to eliminate the twelve paths and establish one path. This was to occur when 5,505 years of Kaliyug had passed, which was in 1997. Thus, the true name (mantra) was not to be disclosed before this time.
The lineage of Dharmdas Ji from Damakheda (Chhattisgarh) does not possess the Saar Shabd or the Tattvagyan; therefore, they cannot liberate anyone nor be liberated themselves. Parmeshwar Kabir Ji clarified this in Anurag Sagar, pages 140–141, stating: "O Dharmdas, true devotion will end with your sixth generation." The Kalpanthi Taksaari Path, which is the fifth path among those run by Kaal under the name of Kabir, will introduce its version of Aarti and Naam Diksha practices, which are presently ongoing in Damakheda.
Furthermore, on page 137 of Kabir Bani, in line 19, it is clearly stated:
"I (Kabir Parmeshwar Ji) have spoken thirty-three crore verses of knowledge, But the essence (Tattvagyan) has been kept secret. It will only be revealed during the mid-phase of Kaliyug."
Tetis arab gyaan hum bhaakha. Mool gyaan goye hum raakha.
What will be the fate of Kaal inspired Kabir Panthi?
Dwadash panth anshan ke bhaai. Jeev bodh apne lok le jaai.
Dwadash panth mein purush nahin aavai. Jeev ansh mein jaai samaavai.
Meaning: The twelve paths are influenced by Kaal's essence. These paths mislead beings by imparting false knowledge and lead them to their respective realms; they cannot take anyone to Satlok. This has been clearly explained above.
From pages 138 to 156, the followers at Damakheda have twisted, adulterated, and corrupted the true verses in an attempt to establish that beings will attain liberation through the 42 generations of Dharmdas Ji. The reality is that Parmeshwar Kabir Ji had stated that if your lineage does not fall into Kaal's trap, this could have been possible, as described on pages 138 to 156.
Reflection: If we consider the knowledge on these pages as true, then on page 148, line 14, it states:
Bees din aur varsh pacheesa. Itna kul mein chale sandeesa.
Meaning: Each seat-holder (Mahant) in the lineage would occupy the position for 25 years and 20 days.
Reflect on this—has this been the case up to the current 13th generation? Did any Mahant serve as Guru for precisely 25 years and 20 days? If not, then it automatically proves that the meaning of the verse indicates that had Kaal not deceived the 6th generation, this timeline would have been accurate.
On page 149 of Kabir Bani, the description of the 6th generation is provided:
Chhathe vansh ansh adhikaara. Taate kaal aani pethaara.
Puni aavai purushahi sahdaani. Tarai kadhihaar tinhi ke pravaani.
Teen sai satar saat hazaara. Vansh ansh sang utre paara.
Meaning: It is explicitly acknowledged that Kaal will infiltrate during the sixth generation. Then it is mentioned, "The Supreme Being will come again, and liberation will occur through Him."
Reflection: In the verses, it is written:
Ansh-Vansh utare paara
This does not indicate a future event. Its meaning is that 7,370 Ansh-Vansh (descendants) have already attained liberation. If this were a true prophecy, it would have been written as "utarenge paara" (will attain liberation).
Furthermore, on the same page (149), in the description of the 4th generation, the verse states:
1303 kadhihaar tinke sang utar gayo paara.
Meaning: 1,303 Kadhihaar (seekers) attained liberation along with them. This is also not referring to a future event.
This is clearly knowledge from the past, i.e., a record of what has already occurred. Therefore, all the verses from pages 138 to 156 are fabricated and adulterated.
Summary of pages 156 to 160:
At the bottom of page 156 and on pages 157, 158, 159, and 160, Parmeshwar Kabir Ji has clearly stated that those who take initiation through the Nautam Surti (thirteenth path) and remain under the discipline of the Guru while accumulating spiritual wealth through worship will occupy special places in Satlok. They will have crowns on their heads, and Parmeshwar will adorn them with divine splendor akin to His own. These individuals will be Parmeshwar Kabir Ji's most beloved devotees. The radiance of their bodies will be equivalent to the light of 16 suns.
However, even on these pages, many verses appear to be fabricated and adulterated. For instance, towards the end of page 160, the verse states:
Suno Dharmdas main tumhen bakhaani. Aadi ant ki sudhi tum jaani.
Samvat pandrah sai unhatar (1569) aavai. Satguru chali Udeesa jaavai.
Jab lag vansh karai guruvai. Tab lag dharti dharon nahin paain (paanv).
Jab lag vansh byaalees sansaara. Tab lag nahin aaun peech baara.
Bachan vansh hum byaalees bhaakha. Jag ki mukti vachan ki shaakha.
In these verses, it is mentioned that Kabir Purush said that in Samvat 1569, Satguru would go to Odisha. This verse itself makes it clear that the speaker is someone other than Parmeshwar Kabir Ji. The speaker claims that Satguru (Kabir Ji)—because Satguru of Dharmdas Ji was Parmeshwar Kabir Ji—would go to Odisha in Samvat 1569. Further, it is stated that as long as the 42 generations of Dharmdas Ji continue to give initiation, "I (Kabir Ji) will not set foot on Earth. I will not come back to the world."
First falsehood: Parmeshwar Kabir Ji went to Satlok in Vikram Samvat 1575 (1518 AD) from Maghar. Yet, the verse claims that He went to Satlok from Odisha in Samvat 1569, which is the first falsehood.
Second falsehood: It is stated that after going to Satlok in Samvat 1575, Parmeshwar Kabir Ji met Sant Garibdas Ji in Samvat 1784 (1727 AD), on Falgun month's Shukla Dwadashi (twelfth day of the waxing moon).
- Verse reference:
"Guru gyan amaan adol abol hai Satguru shabd seri pichhani.
Das Garib Kabir Satguru mile aan sthaan ropya Chhudani."
After going to Satlok, Parmeshwar Kabir Ji has met others as well. He met Sant Dadu Das Ji, Sant Ghisadas Ji, and even me (Das Rampal Das) in 1997 AD (Samvat 2054) on Falgun month's Shukla Pratipada (first day of the waxing moon).
- Verse reference:
This clearly proves that great distortions have been introduced in Kabir Sagar by the followers of Kabir Panth under the influence of Kaal. However, much of the truth remains intact, escaping their malintent. This remaining truth was clarified by Sant Garibdas Ji under the guidance of Parmeshwar Kabir Ji. Furthermore, with revisions to the original Kabir Sagar, the book titled "Kabir Sagar Ka Saralarth" (Simple Explanation of Kabir Sagar) has been prepared by the grace of Parmeshwar Kabir Ji and the blessings of my revered Guru Ji, Swami Ramdevanand Ji.
The summary of the chapter "Kabir Bani" from Kabir Sagar concludes here.