Meeting Between Sant Kabir & Gorakhnath
- Book - Kabir Sagar
- Chapter - Agam Nigam Bodh, Page 1760
- Publisher - Khemraj Shri Krishan Das
Once, Gorakh Nath, a Siddh Mahatma, visited Kashi for a scriptural debate with Swami Ramanand Ji, Guru of Kabir Sahib. During the gathering, Ramanand Ji sat on a high seat, with Kabir Sahib, in child form, humbly seated at his feet. Gorakh Nath, also seated on a high seat with his Trishul placed nearby, invited Ramanand Ji for discussion. Kabir Sahib, embodying Purna Brahm, interrupted respectfully, offering to engage in the debate first before his revered Guru.
Yogi Gorakhnath prataapi, taaso tej prithvi kaanpi.
Kaashi nagar mein so pag parahin, Ramaanand se charcha karahin.
Charcha mein Gorakh jai paavai, kanthi torai tilak chhudavai.
Satya Kabir shishya jo bhayau, yah vritant so suni layau.
Gorakhnath ke dar ke maare, vairagi nahin bhes savaare.
Tab Kabir aagya anusara, Vaishnav sakal swaroop savaara.
So sudhi Gorakhnath jo paayau, Kaashi nagar sheeghra chal aayau.
Ramaanand ko khabar pathaayi, charcha karo mere sang aayi.
Ramaanand ki pehli pauri, Satya Kabir baithe tees thauri.
Kah Kabir sun Gorakhnatha, charcha karo hamaare saatha.
Pratham charcha karo sang mere, peeche mere guru ko tere.
Baalak roop Kabir nihari, tab Gorakh taahi vachan uchaari.
योगी गोरखनाथ प्रतापी, तासो तेज पृथ्वी कांपी।
काशी नगर में सो पग परहीं, रामानन्द से चर्चा करहीं।
चर्चा में गोरख जय पावै, कंठी तोरै तिलक छुड़ावै।
सत्य कबीर शिष्य जो भयऊ, यह वृतांत सो सुनि लयऊ।
गोरखनाथ के डर के मारे, वैरागी नहीं भेष सवारे।
तब कबीर आज्ञा अनुसारा, वैष्णव सकल स्वरूप संवारा।
सो सुधि गोरखनाथ जो पायौ, काशी नगर शीघ्र चल आयौ।
रामानन्द को खबर पठाई, चर्चा करो मेरे संग आई।
रामानन्द की पहली पौरी, सत्य कबीर बैठे तीस ठौरी।
कह कबीर सुन गोरखनाथा, चर्चा करो हमारे साथा।
प्रथम चर्चा करो संग मेरे, पीछे मेरे गुरु को टेरे।
बालक रूप कबीर निहारी, तब गोरख ताहि वचन उचारी।
Gorakh Nath questions God Kabir about His age
Gorakh Nath Ji remarked, “Kabir, you are just a child! How could someone so young, seemingly born yesterday, claim to be a yogi? What is your age, and when did you adopt the life of a saint?”
Kabke bhae Vairagi Kabir Ji, kabse bhae Vairagi?
Naath Ji jab se bhae Vairagi meri, aad ant sudhi laagi.
Dhoondhukaar aad ko mela, nahin guru nahin tha chela.
Jab ka to hum yog upaasa, tab ka firun akela.
Dharti nahin jad ki topi deena, Brahma nahin jad ka teeka.
Shiv Shankar se yogi, na the jad ka jholi shika.
Dwapar ko hum kari faavdi, Treta ko hum danda.
Satyug meri phiri duhaai, Kaliyug phirun no khanda.
Guru ke vachan saadhu ki sangat, ajar amar ghar paaya.
Kahen Kabir suno ho Gorakh, main sab ko tattv lakhaya.
कबके भए वैरागी कबीर जी, कबसे भए वैरागी।
नाथ जी जब से भए वैरागी मेरी, आदि अंत सुधि लागी।।
धूंधूकार आदि को मेला, नहीं गुरु नहीं था चेला।
जब का तो हम योग उपासा, तब का फिरूं अकेला।।
धरती नहीं जद की टोपी दीना, ब्रह्मा नहीं जद का टीका।
शिव शंकर से योगी, न थे जदका झोली शिका।।
द्वापर को हम करी फावड़ी, त्रोता को हम दंडा।
सतयुग मेरी फिरी दुहाई, कलियुग फिरौ नो खण्डा।।
गुरु के वचन साधु की संगत, अजर अमर घर पाया।
कहैं कबीर सुनांे हो गोरख, मैं सब को तत्व लखाया।।
Sahib Kabir explains to Gorakh Nath His age and since when did he become a Vairagi.
At that time Sahib Kabir had assumed the appearance like that of Vaishno saints similar to the appearance assumed by Shri Ramanand Ji. Like, sandalwood mark on forehead, a cap, a bag, coin, a favdi (a staff similar to the letter ‘T’ in English which is used for doing bhajan), and was also carrying a staff (a wooden stick). In the above hymn, Sahib Kabir says that when there was no creation (Kaal’s creation) was in Anami form and there was no one else. Because Sahib Kabir only had created the Nature of Satlok by His word, and then SatPurush also created the Nature of Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan / Brahm) when Jyoti Niranjan (Brahm) asked for a kingdom after doing tap (austerity practices). Since then I have been doing sadhna. When I used to live alone, when even there was no earth, know my cap to be existing since then. Brahm, who is the creator of the bodies of Gorakh Nath and his Guru machchhander naath etc and all the living beings had not even born. Since then I am wearing this mark on my forehead i.e. since then I (Kabir) am in form as SatPurush.
Satyug, Tretayug, Dwaparyug, and Kaliyug – infinite of these four yugas have passed in front of me. Kabir Sahib states that following the words of Satguru, I have attained the eternal-immortal abode (Satlok). Therefore I have explained the Tattav (the true spiritual knowledge) to all the living beings that, by taking updesh from a Purna Guru following his words throughout life and concentrating anf remembering Purna Parmatma then by going to that eternal-immortal Satlok you can be saved from the distressing crisis of birth and death.
On hearing this, Gorakh Nath Ji asks, “You have such a long life, however, you look like a child.
Jo boojhe soyi bawra, kya hai umr hamari.
Asankh yug pralay gayi, tab ka brahmachari. (Tek)
Koti Niranjan ho gaye, parlok sidhari.
Ham to sada mahboob hain, swayam brahmachari.
Arabon to Brahma gaye, unchaas koti Kanhaiya.
Saat koti Shambhu gaye, mor ek nahin palaiya.
Kotin Narad ho gaye, Muhammad se chaari.
Devatan ki ginti nahin hai, kya srishti vichari.
Nahi budha nahi balak, nahin koi bhaat bhikhari.
Kahen Kabir sun ho Gorakh, yeh hai umr hamari.
जो बूझे सोई बावरा, क्या है उम्र हमारी।
असंख युग प्रलय गई, तब का ब्रह्मचारी।।टेक।।
कोटि निरंजन हो गए, परलोक सिधारी।
हम तो सदा महबूब हैं, स्वयं ब्रह्मचारी।।
अरबों तो ब्रह्मा गए, उनन्चास कोटि कन्हैया।
सात कोटि शम्भू गए, मोर एक नहीं पलैया।।
कोटिन नारद हो गए, मुहम्मद से चारी।
देवतन की गिनती नहीं है, क्या सृष्टि विचारी।।
नहीं बुढ़ा नहीं बालक, नाहीं कोई भाट भिखारी।
कहैं कबीर सुन हो गोरख, यह है उम्र हमारी।।
Satguru Kabir Sahib gives a description of his age to Shri Gorakh Nath siddh.
Infinite yugas have undergone destruction. Since then I am devotee i.e. I am immortal. Crores of Brahm (Kshar Purush / Kaal) God have died and reborn.
Age of Brahma, Vishnu & Shiv
One Brahma’s age is of 100 years (Divine Years).
One day of Brahma = 1000 (one thousand) chaturyug (four yugas) and same is the duration of the night.
{Note: - In one day of Brahma Ji, the term of rule of 14 Indras end. The term of rule of one Indra is 72 chaturyug. Therefore, in reality, one day of Brahma Ji is of 72 × 14 = 1008 chaturyug, and same is the duration of the night, but it is taken as one thousand chaturyug only.}
Month = 30 × 2000 = 60000 (sixty thousand)
Year = 12 × 60000 = of 720000 (seven lakh twenty thousand) chaturyug
Brahma Ji’s age —
720000 × 100 = 72000000 (seven crore twenty lakh) chaturyug
Vishnu Ji’s age is seven times that of Brahma —
72000000 × 7 = 504000000 (fifty crore forty lakh) chaturyug
Shiv Ji’s age is seven times that of Vishnu —
504000000 × 7 = 3528000000 (three arab 52 crore 80 lakh) chaturyug
Crores of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv with these ages also die, and then one Jyoti Niranjan (Brahm) dies. A conch shell blows at the time pre-set by Purna Parmatma. At that time, Great Destruction is caused by ParBrahm. It is believed so, but in reality all the arrangements are done by Purna Brahm in a hidden manner. Then one Niranjan (Brahm) dies. Kabir Sahib states that crores of Jyoti Niranjan have died, but my age has not even lessened by a second i.e. I am Eternal Purush (God). Kabir Sahib says that I am eternal. The other Gods resorting to whom you are doing bhakti, they are mortal. Then how can you be immortal?
अरबों तो ब्रह्मा गए, 49 कोटि कन्हैया। सात कोटि शंभु गए, मोर एक नहीं पलैया।
Kabir Sahib says that billions of Brahma have died and 49 crores of Krishna have died. Seven crore Shambhu (Shiv) have passed away, but even a single moment of mine has not passed
See here, who is the immortal Purush? When 343 crore Trilokiye (of the three worlds/loks) Brahma die, 49 crore Trilokiye Vishnu die and 7 crore trilokiye Shiv die, then one Jyoti Niranjan (Kaal-Brahm) dies, who has been called the Kshar (perishable) God in Gita Ji Adhyay 15 Shlok 16, and in this very Shlok one who is called Akshar (imperishable) is ParBrahm, who is also known as Akshar Purush. Akshar Purush i.e. ParBrahm also gets destroyed. Crores of this Kaal will also be finished. Then all the And-Brahmand will undergo destruction. Only Satlok will remain. Then Achint, by Satguru’s order, will do the creation. Then the Nature of this Kshar Purush and Akshar Purush will commence again.
Then what has been mentioned in Gita Ji Adhyay 15 Shlok 17 that, that Supreme Purush (Purna Parmatma) is however someone else who is known by the name of Eternal god. That Purna Brahm Parmeshwar SatPurush is Kabir Sahib Himself. Only SatPurush is eternal-immortal God and only His Satlok (Satdhaam) is eternal, and which is also the eternal abode. By doing bhakti of that place, a devout soul becomes completely liberated, and then never dies again. Kabir Sahib said that this is achieved by jaap of SohM shabd which is obtained froma Guru who is the knower of the ultimate secret, and then Saarnaam is obtained. Then one can reside in Satlok and attains SatPurush. Crores of pious souls like Narad and Muhammad have also come (born) and gone (died), and there is no count of the Gods. Then what account can be made of the ordinary human beings and other life forms? I (Kabir Sahib) am neither old nor a child; I live in the form of a youth, which is symbolic of divine power. This, I have appeared before you in a leelamayi body. Kabir Sahib says, “Listen to me, Gorakh Ji; this is my age which I have explained to you above.
Gorakh Nath flies and sits atop his trident
On hearing this, Shri Gorakhnath Ji flew by his supernatural power and sat on the upper part of the approximately 7-feet high trident embedded in the ground, and said that if you are so great then rise to my level (nearly 7 feet above the ground) and then talk to me. Hearing this, Kabir Sahib said, “Naath Ji, we have come here for discussion of knowledge and not for doing drama. You may come down and deliver true message of bhakti to all the bhakt community.
God Kabir sits atop a 150 feet long thread
Shri Gorakhnath Ji said that you do not have any power. You and your Guuru Ji are misleading the world. Today your pretensions will be revealed. If you possess any power, then come to my level. When on Kabir Sahib’s repeated requests also, Naath Ji did not retreat, then Sahib Kabir displayed His Parashakti (Purna Siddhi – supreme supernatural power). Sahib Kabir had a reel of raw thread in his pocket in which around 150 (one hundred and fifty) feet long thread was wound. He took it out and holding the thread from one end, tossed it in the sky. The whole thread unwound from the reel and stood upright. Sahib Kabir flew in the sky and sitting comfortably on the upper end of the vertical thread which was around 150 feet long, said, “Come, Naath Ji! Let us talk sitting at the same level.” Gorakhnath tried to fly up but retreated to ground instead. In front of Purna Parmatma (Supreme God), the siddhis (supernatural powers) become inactive. When every endeavour of Gorakh Nath failed then he realised that this is no ordinary bhakt or saint. He is definitely some incarnation (among Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh).
Gorakh Nath asks God Kabir to introduce Himself
Then Gorak Nath said to Sahib Kabir, “Oh Supreme Purush! Please come down and grace your servant by introducing yourself. What power are you? From which lok have you come?”
At that time, Kabir Sahib came down and said —
Avadhu avigat se chal aaya, koi mera bhed marm nahi paaya। Tek।
Na mera janm na garbh basera, baalak hounai dikhlaya।
Kaashi nagar jal kamal par dera, tahaan julaahe ne paaya।।
Maata-pita mere kuchh nahi, na mere ghar daasi।
Julaaha ko sut aan kahaya, jagat kare meri haansi।।
Paanch tatva ka dhad nahi mera, jaanun gyaan apaara।
Satya swaroopi naam Sahib ka, so hai naam hamaara।।
Adhar deep (Satlok) gagan gufa mein, tahaan nij vastu saara।
Jyoti swaroopi alakh Niranjan (Brahm) bhi, dharta dhyaan hamaara।।
Haad chaam lohu nahi more, jaane Satyanam upaasi।
Taaran taran abhai pad daata, main hoon Kabir avinaasi।।
अवधु अविगत से चल आया, कोई मेरा भेद मर्म नहीं पाया।।टेक।।
ना मेरा जन्म न गर्भ बसेरा, बालक ह्नै दिखलाया।
काशी नगर जल कमल पर डेरा, तहाँ जुलाहे ने पाया।।
माता-पिता मेरे कछु नहीं, ना मेरे घर दासी।
जुलहा को सुत आन कहाया, जगत करे मेरी हांसी।।
पांच तत्व का धड़ नहीं मेरा, जानूं ज्ञान अपारा।
सत्य स्वरूपी नाम साहिब का, सो है नाम हमारा।।
अधर दीप (सतलोक) गगन गुफा में, तहां निज वस्तु सारा।
ज्योति स्वरूपी अलख निरंजन (ब्रह्म) भी, धरता ध्यान हमारा।।
हाड चाम लोहू नहीं मोरे, जाने सत्यनाम उपासी।
तारन तरन अभै पद दाता, मैं हूं कबीर अविनासी।।
Sahib Kabir said, “Oh Avdhoot (Gorakhnath) Ji, I have come from the avigat place (the state and the mystery of which no one knows; I have come from that Satlok). I have myself acquiring a child’s form by my power have aappeared on a lotus flower in a pond, Lahartara, in Kaashi (Banaras) city. There I was found by a weaver couple named Neeru-Neema who took me home. I have no parents nor I have any wife, and that which is the real name of that Supreme God, that Kabir only is my name. Your Jyoti Swaroop whom you call Alakh Niranjan (the formless God) that Brahm also does my jaap. I am attained by a worshipper who does jaap of Satnaam i.e. only he knows correctly about me. My body is not formed of bone-flesh and blood. Emphasizing the magnificence of Satnaam, Kabir Sahib states that one can go to my original place (Satlok) on the basis of Satnaam. Indicating towards other devotees God Kabir (KavirDev) Ji is saying that I keep doing jaap of that God. By becoming worthy of going to Satlok by this mantra (Satnaam), and then by obtaining Saarnaam one becomes completely relieved from birth-death. I (Kabir Sahib, the Eternal God) have explained this taaran taran pad (way of worship) to you.” He told Gorakhnath Ji, “Oh pious soul! You are in the trap of Kaal Kshar Purush (Jyoti Niranjan) only. No one knows how many births you have had. Sometimes you suffered in the births of 84 lakh life forms. If you had not come in my refuge, Kaal would have destroyed your bhakti of the four yugas now (in Kaliyug).”
This Kaal is the master of the twenty-one brahmands. He has been accursed that he will eat one lakh human beings (gods and sages as well) daily, and will produce a lakh and a quarter (human beings). Thus, twenty-five thousand are increasing everyday. To keep them in place and to make them experience the results of their actions, Kaal has made 84 lakh births of various life forms by forming his law. In these a living being remains completely ignorant and from these extra living beings only, makes bodies like the microbes in blood, microbes in air etc-etc. his wife is Aadi Maya (Prakriti devi), Ashtangi (who has eight arms). From her only, Kaal (Brahm / Alakh Niranjan) gave rise to (by mutual union of husband and wife) three sons, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv. Making these three his firm associates has entrusted the task of production of bodies to Brahma, of maintenance to Vishnu and of destruction to Shiv. First of all, makes them do tap (austerity), then endow them with siddhis (supernatural powers) based on which gets his purpose accomplished by them, and then in the end, even kills them (when they become devoid of the powers) and produces three new sons. In this manner, he is running his Kaal lok. Above all these is Purna Parmatma. Know me (Kabir) as His incarnation only.
Gorakh Nath tests Kabir Sahib again
Gorakhnath became sure in his mind that there is some power who is the master of the lineage. Then Gorakhnath said, “See one more power of mine.” Saying this he started towards river Ganga. The crowd of all the spectators also went along. At around 500 feet, was the river Ganga. Jumping into it, said, “Find me in this. Then I will become your disciple.” Gorakhnath became a fish.
Sahib Kabir took the same fish out of the water and made it Gorakhnath in front of everyone. At that time, Gorakhnath accepted Sahib Kabir as the Purna Parmatma and became His disciple. By taking Satnaam and Saarnaam from Sahib Kabir did bhakti. Then he became librated from Kaal’s web.
The purport of Gita Ji Adhyay 14 Shlok 26, 27 is that a worshipper who practices unadulterous bhakti i.e. being fully dependent on me (Kaal / Brahm) (abandoning the worship of other gods-goddesses and Mata, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv etc) does bhakti by jaap of only my one mantra Om, that worshipper becomes worthy of attaining that Supreme God. And by doing further sadhna, also attains the supreme happiness of that Parmanand through me.
Like, if a student after doing Matric, B.A., M. A. and by taking admission into a course gets a job and getting employment becomes happy, then that Matric, B.A. or M.A. after which he entered into a course (training) was cooperative to him, but was not the giver of the job. Similarly, Kaal God (Brahm) is saying that I (Brahm) am cooperative in attaining the immortality, the everlasting nature and religion and the constant and permanent happiness of that Eternal god. In its evidence, it is said in Gita Ji Adhyay 18 Shlok 66 that relinquishing all other religious practices (sadhnas) in me, go in the refuge of one (Purna Brahm), then I will get all your sins forgiven. Like, the devout souls who exclusively did jaap of Kaal’s (Brahm) Om mantra, God Kabir granting them the further bhakti of that Purna Parmatma conveyed them across from Kaal’s lok. Like, the supreme devotee Namdev used to do jaap of only one naam Om. By that he had achieved several supernatural powers, even then could not get salvation. Then Kabir Sahib met Shri Namdev Ji and enlightened him about Satlok and SatPurush, gave him SohM mantra which is ParBrahm’s jaap. Then, Kabir Sahib gave Saarshabd to him which is jaap of Purna Brahm. Then Namdev Ji became liberated.
Likewise, Gorakhnath Ji also did jaap of one mantra Alakh Niranjan and did sadhna of chanchri mudra. Then Sahib Kabir gave him Om and SohM mantra. Then further, by giving Saarshabd released Gorakh Nath from Kaal’s trap.
Kabir Sahib and Gorakhnath - Animation