The 38th chapter of Kabir Sagar, titled Kabir Charitra Bodh, is on page 1789. The true essence of the knowledge in Kabir Sagar has been distorted, leaving it of little use. The lineage of Kabir Panth originally started from Dharmdas Ji's second son, Shri Chudamani (also called Muktamani). From this lineage, 10 sub-sects of Kaal have emerged.
The twelfth sect (12th Panth) originated from Sant Garibdas Ji (from the village of Chhudani, district Jhajjar, Haryana). Sant Garibdas Ji personally encountered Kabir Parmeshwar Ji, who, like Sant Dharmdas Ji, took him to Satlok (the eternal abode). Afterward, Kabir Parmeshwar brought him back to his earthly body and revealed his true glory.
Sant Garibdas Ji shared this divine knowledge, based on what he witnessed with his own eyes and heard with his own ears, in his sacred verses. These teachings are collectively known as the Satsang Granth or Sadgrantha. In his Amritvani (divine hymns), Sant Garibdas Ji has elaborated on the greatness of Kabir Satguru, saying:
Gareeb, Guru gyaan amaan adol abol hai, Satguru shabd seri pichani.
Daas Gareeb Kabir Satguru mile, aan asthan ropya chhudani.
It is clear that Sant Garibdas Ji met Kabir Parmeshwar Ji in the form of a Satguru in the year 1727 (Vikram Samvat 1784).
The question arises: Which Kabir did he meet?
Gareeb, hum Sultani Nanak taare, Dadu ko updesh diya.
Jati Julaha bhed na paaya, Kashi mahin Kabir hua.
It is clear that Sant Garibdas Ji met the Kabir of Kashi, the weaver, as the Satguru. The same Kabir Ji also met Shri Nanak Dev Ji (the founder of the Sikh religion).
At that time, Parmeshwar Kabir Bandichhod Ji was performing the divine act of being a weaver in the city of Kashi. Near the city of Sultanpur, on the banks of the Beas River, Shri Nanak Dev Ji met him. At that time, Shri Nanak Dev Ji had gone to the river for his morning bath. There was a brief discussion about spiritual knowledge. Then, for three days, Kabir Ji took him, just as he had taken Sant Dharmdas Ji and Sant Garibdas Ji, to Satlok (Sachkhand). Afterward, Shri Nanak Dev Ji was returned to Earth. He too shared the glory of Parmeshwar, which he had seen with his own eyes and heard with his own ears, through his Amritvani (divine verses).
The same Parmeshwar Kabir Ji met Sant Dadu Das Saheb Ji. He also took him to Satlok for three days. That Satguru Kabir Ji, in the month of Magh, on Shukla Paksha Ekadashi (Gyars), in Vikram Samvat 1575 (1518 AD), departed with his physical body to his eternal abode, Satlok, from the city of Maghar. At that time, thousands of spectators were present, including the Nawab of Maghar, Bijli Khan Pathan, and the king of Kashi, Bir Dev Singh Baghel, who were also present in Maghar with their respective armies. In the presence of all these people, Parmatma ascended to the heavens with his physical body. When the sheet covering the body was lifted, fragrant flowers in the shape of his body were found.
Later, in Vikram Samvat 1784 (1727 AD), Sant Garibdas Ji met him when he descended from Satlok to the forests (fields) of Chhudani village. At that time, Sant Garibdas Ji was 10 years old. Sant Garibdas Ji has said:
Gareeb, ajab nagar mein le gaye, mujhko Satguru aan. (aakar) Jhilke bimb agadh gati, soote chadar taan.
Gareeb, allal pankh anurag hai, sunn mandal rahe theer. Daas Gareeb udhariya, Satguru mile Kabir.
Gareeb, solah shankh par Satguru ka takiya, gagan mandal ke zinda. Hukam hisaabi hum chali aaye, kaatan Yam ka phanda.
Meaning: Sant Garibdas Ji has described that Satguru Kabir Ji came from Satlok and took him to the Ajab Nagar (the wondrous city, Satlok). There, we rested peacefully, meaning that after hearing about the glory of that Supreme God and the immortal realm, I became assured that by following the true spiritual practice taught by Parmeshwar Kabir Ji, I would reach that Satlok, where once a soul arrives, it never returns to this mortal world. In that realm, beings do not age, and they never face death.
This same Kabir Parmeshwar had also liberated Dhani Dharmdas Ji of Bandhavgarh.
Gareeb, zinda jogi jagat guru, maalik murshad peer. Dohun deen jhagda mandya, paaya nahin shareer.
Gareeb, jam jaura jaase daren, mitain karm ke lekh. Adli asal Kabir hain, kul ke Satguru ek.
Gareeb, aisa Satguru hum milya, hai zinda Jagdish. Sunn videshi mil gaya, chatra mukut hai sheesh.
Gareeb, sab padavi ke mool hain, sakal siddhi hain teer. Daas Gareeb Satpurush bhajo, avagat kala Kabir.
Gareeb, anant koti brahmand ka, ek rati nahin bhaar. Satguru Purush Kabir hain, kul ke sirjanhaar.
Meaning: Sant Garibdas Ji has clearly stated that it was the Supreme Creator Himself who appeared to him in the form of the Satguru, the one who has created all the universes. He is Parmeshwar Kabir Ji, who once performed the divine play of a weaver in the city of Kashi (India). He is the source of all titles, meaning the title of the Complete Satguru also belongs to Him. The title of the Complete Poet is also His. The position of the Supreme God is solely His, and all divine powers are with Him alone. He is none other than Satpurush Kabir Ji, and one must worship Him.